Witches tried and found guilty in England were never burnt at the stake, but in Scotland they were. The only reason for burning in England would have been for heresy, treason or petty treason (murder of a spouse) and if you were a woman who has murdered your husband, then there was a good chance you would have used the 'black arts' to do that, which is why the East Anglia witches were burnt. The torture of witches in Britain was an horrendous ordeal for the women and men involved. It included 'walking' of the accused for hours, constant questions and accusations and use of the 'pricker', a sharp spike, sometimes concealed in a pen like piece of wood. The idea was to find the mark of the devil....a part of the body that showed no pain when pricked with the spike...after various stabs at the body of the accused with the spike, and the woman screaming in pain, the spike would be inserted back up into the body of the wood and then the wood jabbed in, and as the pain would be so much less and the woman would not cry out, it would be announced that the devils mark had been found. Thus the woman was a witch. From there, she would have been take to a body of water, bound and thrown in. This was called 'swimming', and actually is a pagan custom. If the water rejects you and you float and live, then you are not pure or worthy, if you drown, the water god accepts you, therefore you are pure and worthy. From the accused point of view, damned if you do, damned if you don't! If you did survive that, you were hanged. Matthew Hopkins, the most famous witch hunter in England, self proclaimmed Witch Finder General (never a title bestowed on him by Parliament) used all of the above methods. During Matthew Hopkins reign of terror of two years, England was in the midst of Civil War, and puritan ideals were common and he himself was the son of a Puritan clergyman.
Local women who were once respected as midwives and herbal healers became suspects, mass hysteria fuelled doubt and suspicion of their abilities, and at times, every local death was her doing, every disease that plagued the town was the fault of witches. Some did defend the accused, but fear of being branded as a witch was enough to put most off. You should look up the North Berwick Witch Trials, King James VI was involved on a personnal level and makes for quite interesting reading.
As for expressing fear on the part of the accused.....imagine a time when the common woman had no voice, no defense, to plead innocence was to be in denial and un-repenting and to plead guilt (after torture) was a true confession. When the educated could use words and their power to convince the masses of a wrongdoing, when all attended Church and the sermons were of fire and brimstone (eternal damnation for those who don't repent), and dire warnings of the proximaty of the devil. A desperate time for all those who were innocent.