Depending on what part of the 80's, we had primitive versions of almost all that, it's just that it was all so cutting edge that it was financially beyond the reach of most people with kids. Single yuppies, sometimes two incomes, one apartment, no kids, no pets-- they could actually afford a lot of that stuff. The precursor to the internet looked something like this: People had electronic bulletin boards that were the precursors of the little web page. (scroll down to the lunch box, that is actual text that has been recopied over and over in its original form since 1985!)
Hot shot lawyers were among the early adopters of cellular telephones, then mostly called "Carphones" yeah, I know, and the main place that you're not supposed to a cellphone now, was just about the only place you COULD use one of those brick-like sets; it plugged into the cigarette lighter!
Some 80's movies that show feasible hacking and computer use are, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Sneakers, maybe the Manhattan project and becoming progressively more fantastic, Revenge of the nerds, Wargames, and going off in to real scifi/fantasy that was using contemporary equipment; Electric Dreams, Videodrome, Brazil, and Max Headroom!