Why did Germany lose the air war in ww2?
2020-12-08 14:50:21 UTC
Why did Germany lose the air war in ww2?
59 answers:
2020-12-14 05:09:55 UTC
An inept leader of the Luftwaffe called Fatso Goering. Could have easily destroyed the RAF bases and radar stations but instead chose to bomb cities

 . Thank goodness for us.
Joseph B
2020-12-12 18:43:54 UTC
Two principal reasons:

(1)  Hitler did not quit when he was ahead.  He should have stopped with the conquest of France and not invaded Russia.

(2)  Hitler stupidly declared war on the United States.  The U.S. was the only country upon which Hitler declared war in advance.  That was the excuse that FDR was looking for to get involved on the side of the British.  FDR had the people on his side to go to war with the Japs, but there were many people who thought we should leave Germany to England.  That was not practical.  Yet, FDR needed to persuade the people to go to war against Germany.  By unilaterally declaring war after the Jap attack on Pearl Harbor, Hitler solved that problem for FDR.
2020-12-11 14:12:59 UTC

the German pilots had short supplies 
2020-12-10 10:39:33 UTC
The jewish bankers helped the britcucks
No Chance Without Jesus
2020-12-09 23:08:19 UTC
Not enough fuel, not enough planes not enough pilots, the Strategic Bombing raids (in the day by the US and night by the brits) took out their production and they could not sustain the costs


as it was wrongfully attributed to Confederate Cavalry General Nathan Bedford Forest " He who get there the firstest with the mostest wins
NPG Starlett
2020-12-09 09:21:16 UTC
Germany had less weapons and military/ economical power than they claimed they had. They were all just talk and hot air.
2020-12-09 00:33:59 UTC
They would eventually loose due to air superiority and  prolonged war of attrition
2020-12-08 19:53:34 UTC
Inferior planes and pilots.  Most of their factories were blown to Hell so they couldn't build more replacements.

Andy, just be glad they showed up!!
2020-12-08 15:00:42 UTC
An inept leader of the Luftwaffe called Fatso Goering. Could have easily destroyed the RAF bases and radar stations but instead chose to bomb cities

 . Thank goodness for us.
2020-12-08 14:52:38 UTC
Because they were up against the cream.
2021-03-18 08:31:14 UTC
Germany lost the air war because he had no code, he had no honor....and God was watching
2020-12-15 18:22:46 UTC
Not enough aircraft, no heavy bombers, not enough trained pilots, not enough fuel, their factories were constantly bombed, no reliable oil sources. They never truly controlled the sky over the western theater. That made it nearly impossible for their army to actually fight to win. 
2020-12-12 14:48:21 UTC
Because they were up against the cream.
2020-12-11 16:42:51 UTC
The RAF shot up the Luftwaffe.
2020-12-10 08:11:28 UTC
They weren't as good as their opposition, that's why.
2020-12-10 01:10:21 UTC
British pilots landed in their home country after a fight.  They had bars where civilians loved them.  They could see family members.  Eat their local foods.  Pilot's complaints about aircraft were corrected by local factories or America

German pilots landed in France after a fight.  The civilians didn't love them.  German food was scarce.  Pilot's complaints about aircraft brought investigations against said pilot for being anti nazi 
2020-12-09 16:11:11 UTC
The combined allied air forces, simply overwhelmed the axis. Germany, Italy Japan were three small countries. The same happened on the sea.

Admiral Yamamoto warned the Japonese high command. He was mi.itary attache in Washington. He told them about his auto trips throughout the US. The Americans industrial and oil production  is awesome. The only thing Japan can do is try to win in 6 months and force surrender, before their production kicks in. Or we lose.
2020-12-09 12:45:35 UTC
because the airfields were destroyed by the Spitfires.   You cannot fight if you cannot take off your planes......     also the bombers were slow....
2020-12-09 11:09:49 UTC
They over emphasised on the usage of bombers/
2020-12-09 10:24:05 UTC
Hitler was the real reason for their defeat. He thought that he knew better than his Generals and interfered at the wrong time. Had he simply set the objectives and allowed the Generals to run the war this message may very well have been written in German!! 
2020-12-09 09:25:23 UTC
The Germans made several errors that caused their Luftwaffe to fail at some of the jobs it was given.

1)  Hitler put incompetent people in charge of the Luftwaffe.  Goering and Udet were WW1 air aces and had supported Hitler in his accent to power so were rewarded with Goering as in charge of the Luftwaffe and Udet in charge of Aircraft procurement.  Hitler knew nothing about operating an Air Force and stupidly believed these men could do it even though neither had any experience in administration.  Goering was a buffoon full of his own self importance and believed as long as he had a lot of good planes was all he needed to win.  Udet was so overwhelmed by his job and he committed suicide.

2)  Lack of long range aircraft.  German aircraft were designed to support the ground troops of Tanks and infantry in the blitzkrieg tactics devised by the Germans where an enemy was overwhelmed from the ground and the air.  They were short ranged with their main fighters only able to have enough fuel for one and a half hours flying maybe 2 hours if flown carefully.  Their bombers were small short range 2 engine bombers which was all they needed up to the battle of Britain.  The war against Russia showed a major problem as the Germans had no bomber that could fly from German held territory to strike the Russian war manufacturing industry in the East of Russia.  German Bombers also were not big and capable of carrying the large bomb loads the Allied planes could.

3)  Germany did not start to up their Fighter aircraft production seriously until about 1943 when it was obvious Germany was starting to struggle against the strength of the allied nations.  Germany was so sure they would win the war they did not take the need to up their war manufacturing for the first half of the war and by the time the Germans realized they needed to put Germany on a full war footing the Allied 's  bombing campaign was starting to affect Germany's ability to manufacture aircraft.

4)  Germany struggled to fuel its military right through the war as it had no oil reserves of its own.  For most of the war Germany had to manufacture artificial fuels which are slow to produce and very expensive.  Germany could only make 100 octane aircraft fuel so had to run larger engines in their aircraft than the Allies who were able to manufacture 130 to 150 octane aircraft fuel.  The higher the octane rating the higher compression engines you can use meaning you can make much more powerful engines without having to have the huge engines the Germans had to put in their planes.  

5)  The British Merlin engine made by Rolls Royce ran a double supercharger which gave huge boost to their engines which meant their engines could maintain full power at over 20.000feet.  Even the Americans had to license the Merlin engine as they could not build anything as good in inline engines.  German fighters struggled to get up to 30.000 feet to attack the American high flying B17 bombers as their bf109 fighters did not have as good a supercharging system on their planes as it was never believed they would have to fight at that altitude.

6)  Later in the war Germany was struggling to find experienced pilots as most of their best pilots had been killed off or captured by the allies.  The allied bombing campaign was starting to shut the German war manufacturing down as it aimed its bombing campaign at fuel manufacturing, ball bearing manufacture, and aircraft factories which left Germany unable to defend itself from being bombed by the allies.

7)  Hitler's interference.  Hitler spent too much time and money on his revenge weapons and cut the money available for aircraft.  Hitler's want for revenge caused the Germans to lose the advantage in the Battle of Britain, and would hold up the new German ME262 jet fighter for a year as Hitler wanted it to be a bomber to bomb London while the Luftwaffe wanted it available for fighting off the Allied bombers.  It was a year Germany could have shut down the allied bombing campaign with this brilliant fighter but by the time Hitler relented and allowed it to be built as a fighter it was too late as Germany by then had little fuel and materials to make and operate these planes.

8)  The British Radar and well organized air defenses, with the high quality British planes which caused the Germans much frustration.  The British used skilled men to run Britain's Air defenses efficiently.  The Battle of Britain was the first time the Luftwaffe had come up against modern aircraft as good as their own, and radar to put them in position to meet the Germans before the Germans hit their targets.  Long range high quality fighters from America would cause Germany great difficulty for its fighters being able to fight off Allied bombers 

** All these factors cut the German's ability for the Luftwaffe to fight successfully.  If Hitler had put in good administrators to run the Luftwaffe as Britain and the USA did to run their Air Forces Likely the German Luftwaffe would have been much more effective and achieved a lot more than they did.
2020-12-09 06:36:48 UTC
The Hurricane Spitfire and Mosquito which did 400 mph  and Canadian Trained Pilots

Shortage of High Obtain Fuel and fuel in General

the Nazis Lost WW2 because they Never had enough Fuel to wage a Lasting War

Rommel said any attack was only as Good as My fuel supply

and Prescott Bush sold Him 500 tons of High Octane fuel in 1939

But the Luftwaffe Fighters Had only 10 Minutes over the UK still had only 10 over the UK because of the Fuel shortages

in Fact, they ran out of Tank Fuel on 27 Dec 1944

and Farmers had No Fuel for Farm equipment from May 1943
2020-12-08 23:55:53 UTC
the lost the air war because they were shot down ..
Ron Akia
2020-12-08 23:13:39 UTC
The U.S. superiority gave them the loss. Our piots were better trained which made the difference. In a last-ditch effort, the Germans introduced jet fighters, which gave them a better aircraft, but it was too late as they were already near defeat and it was too late. 
2020-12-08 20:27:45 UTC
The Germans were just overmatched.  They were fighting a two front war against the US/UK on one side and the Soviets on the other.  Even with them plundering wealth from their conquered territories they couldn't keep up industrially with the US, which effectively had unlimited industrial capacity and manpower.  Making matters worse is that the Allies could strike at Germany's industrial heartland while Germany couldn't do the same to the Allies.  The Germans couldn't bomb Detroit or Oakland or Los Angeles.  The US industrial capacity grew throughout the war while the Germans' became more constrained.  And they kept losing pilots who they couldn't replace.  The Germans could continue to plunder Poland or France or Norway for raw materials but not for manpower. 
2020-12-08 19:02:57 UTC
The air war was lost by Germany in the Battle of Britain . No Americans were involved just Britain with some Canadians and Poles. Also radar wasn’t really great then.

While credit us given to the Spitfire, it wasn’t as simple. The Messerschmitt 109 was a close match for it, but Britain had the advantage of fighting close to their own air fields . They didn’t need to save fuel to fly back to France and when they needed refuelling , they could be back in the air in minutes.

Additionally, (and amazingly given how disorganised Britain normally is), the RAF had a highly efficient parts supply. Lightly damaged planes were often back in the air next day. In contrast, the Germans sent theirs back to the factories in Germany to be repaired and it took weeks .

The result was they quickly lost their initial numerical advantage .
2020-12-08 18:21:00 UTC
Waiting for missiles to be developed would have been a bold strategy even for Hitler.
2020-12-08 15:07:14 UTC
The British had radar and better fighter planes, and were on home turf; 

Trenchard's plan to disperse the airfields paid off.  

The Nazis failed to prosecute the Battle of Britain, if they had not become distracted bombing the cities it might have been a very different outcome.

with an intact air force, the RAF (and  USAF) were able to go after the Axis fuel supplies and airfields by D-Day they became critically short of planes and the pilots to fly them.
2020-12-08 14:54:11 UTC
Radar and couldn't build planes fast enough.
2020-12-08 14:52:33 UTC
We can agree on that 
2020-12-11 14:40:37 UTC
Whom do I contact about Jews and freemasons (aka homosexual devilworshipping Jew-masons) killing 70 million in Soviet Union by gulags, famine, or shooting squads? How can Russian Orthodox get some justice?

Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Ioann Snychev was poisoned/murdered by Jew Putin (aka Shalomov) because he refused to work for Jews. KGB poisoned Putin; Putin died in 2007; now doubles (who wear latex masks) pretend to be Putin. Medvedev is David Aaronovich Mendel. Jews murdered Tsar Nicolas 2nd's family; Jews bled them for six hours according to ritual.

Tsar Nicolas' family was sacrificed by Jews (they bled 6 hours); their remains were burnt; their blood drank; ashes from remains were sprinkled onto 50 hard-boiled eggs (dish called scido Amafreikis) [50 egg shells were found outside the place of ritual murder]. Also, decapitated Tsar's head (which was grey ... hair turned grey when he saw his kids being knifed).. Ritualistic murder... (blood libel is same thing as anti-Semitism ... a lie by Jews to flee justice). Jews came up that Tsar's family was shot. Tsar appeared to warn that

whosoever worships false remains will become possessed by demons (this just happened like a decade ago ... maybe less)… Jews collect heads of leaders because they believe in reincarnation.

How about Jews coming up with a mocking holiday April 1st because resurrection of Jesus happened on that day? Jews came up with mocking holidays 23 February (Day of Soviet Army) which was capitulation by cowards in Tsar’s army… or March 8 (international Woman’s day) which celebrates lesbian/prostitute Klara Tsetkin and Rosa Luxembourg.

Three biggest saints in heaven (in this order): Theotokos Virgin Mary, John the Baptist, and Tsar Nicolas 2nd

Four biggest sinners in hell (in this order from the bottom of hell moving up to our level): Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin

You could joke that Marx is a bigger sinner than Engels because Marx fooked Engels but how is Lenin a bigger sinner than Stalin when Lenin was fooked by Zinoviev (even by Bronstein once)?

Lenin's brain was the size of walnut. He had syphilis. Was alcoholic. Born from incest degenerate family. Was in insane asylum. Wife Kruspkaya was probably lesbian 'cause what normal woman would stay with him?

According to Russian Orthodox researcher Grigoriy Klimov, three stages of degeneracy are

1)sodomy (69, anal, oral, masturbation, pedophilia, incest, necrophilia, beastiality, orgies, hand job, bj, even all non-missionary positions between husband and wife, etc.)

2)insane asylum

3)physical deformities in kids (eyes looking at different angles, wolf jaw, rabbit lip, horse foot, different length limbs, etc.)

all these accompanied by drug/alcohol abuse

Jews have like six times more degenerates than other nations because they don't have monkhood. Jewish degenerates become politicians (or similar high rank in society). In Germany during Hitler time, it was eight times. Hitler, Stalin (aka Jugashvilli which means son of Jew), Roosevelt, Churchill were all Jewish degenerates. Hitler had many Jewish coworkers as homosexual partners. Stalin was expelled from seminary for sodomy.

A few centuries ago, angel appeared to Orthodox Christian community and said not to buy from Jews at bazaar because it's sprinkled with blood (something like that)

Those were facts… and now for some Conspiracy Theory: Elimination of comments on Yahoo Answers means that Project Pogo is completed. Now, Project Zyphr will initiate in winter. They will turn off electricity for a few days to gather dissidents into underground concentration camps. DRONE WITH SCOPOLAMINE will drill a hole in your window and once gassed you will come out to them yourself. AI (Artificial Intelligence) will make phone calls and posts on social media as if it were you doing it (and no one will notice that you’re gone).

The remaining people will be chipped. Only marked people will receive food in closed stores. So, when people sign up for food, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable mark of the beast. Hide within 10-15 people group (saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Serafim of Sarov); no documents; no electronics.
2020-12-10 20:25:46 UTC
Whom do I contact about Jews and freemasons (aka homosexual devilworshipping Jew-masons) killing 70 million in Soviet Union by gulags, famine, or shooting squads? How can Russian Orthodox get some justice?

Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Ioann Snychev was poisoned/murdered by Jew Putin (aka Shalomov) because he refused to work for Jews. KGB poisoned Putin; Putin died in 2007; now doubles (who wear latex masks) pretend to be Putin. Medvedev is David Aaronovich Mendel. Jews murdered Tsar Nicolas 2nd's family; Jews bled them for six hours according to ritual.

Tsar Nicolas' family was sacrificed by Jews (they bled 6 hours); their remains were burnt; their blood drank; ashes from remains were sprinkled onto 50 hard-boiled eggs (dish called scido Amafreikis) [50 egg shells were found outside the place of ritual murder]. Also, decapitated Tsar's head (which was grey ... hair turned grey when he saw his kids being knifed).. Ritualistic murder... (blood libel is same thing as anti-Semitism ... a lie by Jews to flee justice). Jews came up that Tsar's family was shot. Tsar appeared to warn that

whosoever worships false remains will become possessed by demons (this just happened like a decade ago ... maybe less)… Jews collect heads of leaders because they believe in reincarnation.

How about Jews coming up with a mocking holiday April 1st because resurrection of Jesus happened on that day? Jews came up with mocking holidays 23 February (Day of Soviet Army) which was capitulation by cowards in Tsar’s army… or March 8 (international Woman’s day) which celebrates lesbian/prostitute Klara Tsetkin and Rosa Luxembourg.

Three biggest saints in heaven (in this order): Theotokos Virgin Mary, John the Baptist, and Tsar Nicolas 2nd

Four biggest sinners in hell (in this order from the bottom of hell moving up to our level): Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin

You could joke that Marx is a bigger sinner than Engels because Marx fooked Engels but how is Lenin a bigger sinner than Stalin when Lenin was fooked by Zinoviev (even by Bronstein once)?

Lenin's brain was the size of walnut. He had syphilis. Was alcoholic. Born from incest degenerate family. Was in insane asylum. Wife Kruspkaya was probably lesbian 'cause what normal woman would stay with him?

According to Russian Orthodox researcher Grigoriy Klimov, three stages of degeneracy are

1)sodomy (69, anal, oral, masturbation, pedophilia, incest, necrophilia, beastiality, orgies, hand job, bj, even all non-missionary positions between husband and wife, etc.)

2)insane asylum

3)physical deformities in kids (eyes looking at different angles, wolf jaw, rabbit lip, horse foot, different length limbs, etc.)

all these accompanied by drug/alcohol abuse

Jews have like six times more degenerates than other nations because they don't have monkhood. Jewish degenerates become politicians (or similar high rank in society). In Germany during Hitler time, it was eight times. Hitler, Stalin (aka Jugashvilli which means son of Jew), Roosevelt, Churchill were all Jewish degenerates. Hitler had many Jewish coworkers as homosexual partners. Stalin was expelled from seminary for sodomy.

A few centuries ago, angel appeared to Orthodox Christian community and said not to buy from Jews at bazaar because it's sprinkled with blood (something like that)

Those were facts… and now for some Conspiracy Theory: Elimination of comments on Yahoo Answers means that Project Pogo is completed. Now, Project Zyphr will initiate in winter. They will turn off electricity for a few days to gather dissidents into underground concentration camps. DRONE WITH SCOPOLAMINE will drill a hole in your window and once gassed you will come out to them yourself. AI (Artificial Intelligence) will make phone calls and posts on social media as if it were you doing it (and no one will notice that you’re gone).

The remaining people will be chipped. Only marked people will receive food in closed stores. So, when people sign up for food, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable mark of the beast. Hide within 10-15 people group (saints Gabriel Urgebadze and Serafim of Sarov); no documents; no electronics.
2020-12-10 16:27:49 UTC
my grandfather was the worst mechanic the germans had in WWII
Yoi and Double Yoi
2020-12-10 16:25:13 UTC
It ultimately came down to the superiority of numbers on the part of the Allies, especially once the U.S. came into the war.  Also after December 1941, the Allies had a staggering advantage in industrial capacity to replace the planes lost in battle, and to develop and manufacture new and better planes (like the B-24 Liberator, the B-29 Superfortress, the P-51 Mustang, etc) and get them into action.  Also, because of the enormous difference in populations between the two sides, the Allies were able to train more pilots and crews to replace those lost in battle, without suffering an appreciable decline in skill.

Another huge factor is that Hitler began to divert resources away from the Luftwaffe to fund the effort to develop a blue-water (that is, deep water) navy, because his plans called for using that fleet to "take the war" to the United States.  Later in the war, resources were also diverted to his missile program, developing the V-1 "buzz bombs," the V-2's and the program attempting to build an atomic bomb.

The other factor is the sheer grit, determination and courage displayed by the airmen and ground crews of the RAF and the British Army to defeat the Nazi in the Battle of Britain.  In that battle, the British were badly outnumbered, but just through (it seemed at times) force of will were able to turn back, or survive wave after wave of German planes trying to bomb England into submission.  The Germans suffered losses during that time that the Luftwaffe never was able to recover from.

Any number of historical sources tell of the murderous rage Hitler had for the Japanese when he learned of the Pearl Harbor attack.  He had hoped to keep the U.S. out of the war until he could secure his domination over the European continent.  He knew that the superiority of resources and manpower represented by the U.S. entering the war doomed the Third Reich to defeat, despite them holding the upper hand on the continent at the time.
2020-12-10 10:00:44 UTC
The Nazis' oppression of the Jews originated before the Second World War. Be that as it may, Nazi approach towards the Jews became destructive over the span of the Second World War. The war not just brought undeniably more Jews under Nazi control, yet permitted the Nazis and their associates to camouflage, partially, their terrible and dangerous activities in the camps and behind the cutting edges.

This part will give a concise diagram of the headliners in the Second World War. A comprehension of the scale and course of events of the war is indispensable to understanding the setting in which the Holocaust occurred.

about more know visit:
2020-12-10 06:58:17 UTC
Only not enough fuel, they would need Jews oil.
2020-12-09 18:55:38 UTC
They were migrants
2020-12-09 13:26:48 UTC
Ran out of planes, pilots, and fuel.  Especially wasted in their stupid, arrogant attack on Russia.
2020-12-09 10:40:48 UTC
Because the Germans were operating under the mistaken belief that the Allies would either be defeated or sue for peace before the monumental industrial advantage they enjoyed could truly be exploited. Germany lost the war the second they went on the attack. Germany's factories were within range of Allied bombers, so their production was always being disrupted. Not only were they unable to build new planes, they could barely keep the ones they already had in operation. Their pilots were putting in many, many more hours than Allied pilots, and although they were very experienced and easily superior pound for pound, by the time new recruits were being sent into the air, most of the best instructors were already gone and fuel and equipment shortages meant that they would never enjoy the same level of success as their predecessors. The Allies had America to pump money and equipment into the fight. The Germans had to deal with the circumstances as they were. And they were occupying a slice of Europe that wasn't immune from being hammered from the air, making it a constant struggle to stay in the fight, never mind to gain the upper hand. Once the Battle of Britain had been won, it was over for Germany in the air. Planes taking off from Fortress Britain were capable of hitting any target in Germany, and the development of high altitude and strategic bombing meant that factories and dams, airfields and railroads, ports and munitions dumps, could all be hit with impunity. The Germans were bleeding aircraft that they had no hope of replacing and even worse, their pilot losses meant it was just a matter of time. All the talk about their aircraft being superior is nonsense. Without being able to hit hard and fast, their equipment didn't measure up to what the Allies had, and any innovations were offset by the fact that they couldn't capitalize on large scale production or have the luxury of time to be able to test them in combat effectively. That's why Germany was reduced to rubble.    
2020-12-09 10:35:39 UTC
A German air force officer was asked what he would like to have to help fight against Great Britain air force. He said, "Spitfires!"
2020-12-09 09:48:05 UTC
Germany had less weapons and force than they asserted they had. They were all discussion and hot air
2020-12-09 06:53:26 UTC
cuz they dont got enough power
2020-12-09 04:31:19 UTC
The problem was the same for the air war and the ground war.  When Russia entered the conflict, it forced Germany to build up a second front and their resources got stretched very thin.  As a result, they lost planes and pilots faster than they could resupply the air units.  They essentially wore themselves out.
2020-12-08 21:43:22 UTC
(a) They couldn't keep up with the production rate of the allies, particularly the USA

(b) They were fighting a 3-front war which spread resources too thin

(c) The allied bombing campaign caused severe oil and parts shortages.

(d) High attrition of pilots. 
2020-12-08 21:26:11 UTC
They ran out of Gass.
2020-12-08 20:09:31 UTC
When they bombed England the British had large radar towers on their coast and would know exactly where the Germans were and how many were coming. They had an under ground command headquarters that showed on a large map where the planes where and where they were headed. Then they alerted the fighter plane squadrons where to intercept the Germans. The most effective fighter was the Spitfire which took a great toll of German bombers and escort fighters. Even though the Germans had more planes the British could get the jump on them with their advanced radar systems so that a few planes could accomplish a lot by being in the right place at the right time. Then the Russians and finally the Americans got in the war and eventually the Russians had beaten the German armies so bad that they even gained air superiority . The Americans did daylight bombing of the airfields and factories that built the German planes and the allies cut off the German supply of metal ores and fuels which combined with the bombing of factories reduced the number of planes the Germans had to the point the allies ended up with total air superiority by time the invasion of France began. 
2020-12-08 19:36:15 UTC
Air superiority by the Allied forces, better aircraft- the Hurricane a terrific support plane for our bombers, the Spitfire could outrun and outmanouver most German fighters-the ability to make them faster, lots of factories across the country, superb support from our American friends- even though it took them a while to show up!- and lots of Polish pilots, too. 

We had troops and civilians on the ground manning searchlights, so could highlight enemy bombers, enabling our planes to take them on easier. 

The UK also developed and improved on radar defence system, making it easier to intercept bombers before they could reach their targets and engage them before they could do the most damage. 
2020-12-08 17:45:15 UTC
Two major factors. Simple numbers, the American nd British simply overwhelmed them with a relentless bomber campaign and the P51 Mustang. The Luftwaffe realized early in dealing with theP47's that when the Americans came in large enough numbers they would simply be overwhelmed. What saved them with the P47's was it' limited range. But the P51 changed that. Besides being faster and more maneuverable than the Me109's it had the range to follow the bombers all the way to Munich if necessary.
2020-12-08 16:29:03 UTC
They couldn't build planes quick enough to replace the planes that they lost. 
2020-12-08 15:16:07 UTC
I am sure that loosing more planes and pilots that they could replace and having limited fuel for the planes they did have had nothing to do with it.
2020-12-10 14:28:19 UTC
a bridge to far

a road to far

a battle to far

oh yes  
2020-12-10 00:02:11 UTC
germany lost the air war due to luftwaffe bureaucracy, greed of german arms manufacturers, and lack of resources, especially trained pilots.  That first cadre of pilots who cut their teeth murdering citizens of the Spanish Republic served the nazis well until The Battle of Britain and the war against the ussr.  By mid 1943, the average german pilot had fewer hours in the cockpit than their soviet, and British counterparts, and the vaunted ME-109 was yesterday's tech.   
Jim Crockett Promotions Fan
2020-12-09 20:54:40 UTC
The Luftwaffe was designed to be a Tactical Airforce and provide close air support for The Wehrmacht. It was not built to wage a Strategic Bombing Campaign and if Germany want to beat The United Kingdom it was going to have to wage a Strategic Bombing Campaign. Nor were their Aircraft Designed to carry out a Strategic Bombing Campaign and provide The Air Support and Air Superiority needed to successfully defeat Russia and The United States.
2020-12-09 07:07:52 UTC
The Luftwaffe was badly over-extended.  It was heavily outnumbered due to the superior productive capacity of the forces aligned against it.  Across the war, of 119,700 aircraft it lost 76,875 to all causes (82,750 if you include all European Axis losses).  The Allies(in Europe only) & Soviets lost 188,087 to all causes.  That is, the 

Luftwaffe & its allies destroyed enemy aircraft at a 2.27 to 1 ratio.  As most Allied losses were multi-engined machines, this was effectively a more than 3 to 1 ratio.   

Claims of "superior" Allied aircraft are laughable, as these numbers clearly show.      

I see some truly MORONIC D.F.'s puller their thumbs from their anuses to be here. 
2020-12-09 00:11:25 UTC
Early in the Battle of Britain the Germans refused to believe the British had a working radar system

Later in the war they were just outnumbered by the allies superior aircraft
2020-12-08 21:57:01 UTC
They lost the air war because the Allies had more pilots and more planes.  The Allies had more of everything because America literally buried the world in food, oil, weapons, aircraft, tanks, trucks, cars, tires,  tractors, ships, jeeps, hospitals, lumber, coal, metals, bombs, bullets, clothes and medicine.  When the war ended in 1945, it became a much larger tidal wave that kept going until 1950. 
2020-12-08 21:08:46 UTC
Sheer weight of numbers.                           
2020-12-08 18:23:33 UTC
Overwhelming numbers of enemy. That’s why they called it a world war
2020-12-08 15:14:15 UTC
We bombed their industrial production, we cut off their fuel supply, and destroyed their infrastructure.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.