Why do jews, british, and celtic americans make jokes about the French for surrendering to germans during WW2?
2018-03-10 18:10:37 UTC
From the French male perspective german males are not any genetic threat to French males. French males can greatly out breed german males. Do jews, british and celtic americans think that French males should try to save jews?
Fourteen answers:
Sunday Crone
2018-03-12 21:09:36 UTC
There are many more cultural groups that have made jokes about the French surrender, it was because France surrendered with basically no resistance.
Tim D
2018-03-11 21:09:18 UTC
"French males can greatly out breed german males"

When you make statements like this it is difficult to understand why so many responders have entertained the notion that you are asking a question seriously.

Fortunately it is unlikely you will ever have the opportunity to breed.
2018-03-11 18:45:01 UTC
Not sure they do but the Vichy regime may be the reason. The free French and the underground had as much guts as anybody.

The government folded , the rest of France did not.
2018-03-11 02:02:37 UTC
There is or was a major difference of values.

The French valued being alive over being free.

The Americans believe life with out freedom is no life at all.

As for the Brits and the French- they are kissing cousins and they like to keep it all in the family.
2018-03-10 22:14:11 UTC
Nobody expected the French to go to war to save Jewish Germans, but we did expect them to go to war to save Poland, because that is what an alliance is. We also (correctly or otherwise) expected the French to defend their own nation. Your bringing Jews and genetics into a barely-related question says more about your motives than France's.
2018-03-10 21:26:19 UTC
Ah, let them all save the new immigrants flooding the nation first.
They Pelted Us With Rocks And Garbage
2018-03-10 18:41:01 UTC
Because of their long history of losing wars to the Germans.

They last won one on their own when they had a real king.
2018-03-10 18:20:41 UTC
Please show your proof that these people make jokes against the French for surrendering to the Germans. French pride took a heavy blow, but their surrender had nothing to do with their virility. The Germans may have said the French lived degenerate lives, but the Nazis said the same about the Americans and certainly about Jews.
2018-03-10 18:18:10 UTC
It's not just about WW2. The French were enemies of the British in one way or another for centuries so that of course brought out the British sense of sly degrading humour. And of course the French are a little sensitive and prideful so the British like to get a rise out of them.

But it's not really meant to be serious, it's just for fun. It's the mark of friendship that you can joke around with your friends and say things that you wouldn't say to real enemies. But then again it's just the French so it doesn't really matter (kidding).
2018-03-10 18:12:51 UTC
The French male perspective is wrong.
Lord Percy Fawcette-Smythe.
2018-03-11 09:41:08 UTC
Only Americans make jokes about the French, More Americans deserted or just ran during WW2 than any other nation.
2018-03-11 07:44:26 UTC
It's no surprise to me that this gutless coward "Anon." troll styles himself as a "French male" & spews a lot of laughable dreck about German men. So, which country has the greater population, superstar?

I, too, am amazed at the idiots who try to make light of the French surrender in 1940. The French military fought like lions, but they were overcome by a poor Allied strategy & superior tactics applied by the Germans. The most mobile French Army, the Seventh, was placed along the Channel coast & ordered to race to the Netherlands if Germany violated its neutrality. No one expected the Dutch to be overrun, defeated & made to surrender in only 5 days. The Seventh advanced into a "done deal."

Because no one anticipated a mechanised thrust through the Ardennes, the French troops covering the Meuse R. were older, 2nd-class soldiers & reservists. They had little armour support &, to no surprise, yielded to overwhelming force.

The Allied command couldn't coordinate a Franco-British counter-attack as the German armour raced to the Channel. Upon achieving that, it had cut off a large portion of the Allied armies, including most of the British Expeditionary Force.

The Luftwaffe had a near 2-1 superiority in aircraft, & a larger percentage of 1st-class fighters & bombers. It also had many pilots who were veterans of the Spanish Civil War. The French Air Force fought valiantly, but suffered from shortages of equipment & components. Even the 1st-class French aircraft were generally slower, less maneuverable & not as well-armed as the German ones.

With the Netherlands & Belgium forced to surrender as their countries were overrun; the B.E.F. chased from the continent with its tail between its legs & virtually all of its ordnance left behind; & the Seventh Army also fleeing to the U.K., the remaining 65 French divisions had to face about 130 German ones. A large part of the country had been overrun, including its main resource & industrial centres. Then, Italy joined the war & attacked in the southeast. Then the capital city was captured.

Frankly, in the circumstances, to go on fighting was sheer madness. There was no hope of victory, only of further death & destruction. Meanwhile, the surrender terms offered were generous. France had given a good account of itself & was allowed a peace with honour. Considering that it didn't really want to involve itself in another major war, that was eminently reasonable.
2018-03-10 19:21:10 UTC
The Anglo-Saxons and French have always made jokes about each other.

Unlike your kind, Jews are known for their sense of humor.

The terrific fight the French gave the Germans in WW I and construction of the Maginot Line after WW I show that they did not by any means look forward to being conquered.

The total failure of the Maginot Line, which the Germans went around, and starling German advances, resulted in a loss of confidence. The French were expecting to face off the Germans indefinitely. They weren't expecting blitzkrieg.

Although much of the resistance was that of French Communists, who were highly organized, there was resistance to the occupation.

Gen. Charles de Gaulle, President of the Provisional French Government and official head of the resistance movement, returned to France after the Invasion of Normandy.

"Liberation of the French capital was not high on the Allies' list of priorities as it had comparatively little strategic value, but both de Gaulle and the commander of the 2nd Armored Division, General Philippe Leclerc were still extremely concerned about a communist takeover. De Gaulle successfully lobbied for Paris to be made a priority for liberation on humanitarian grounds and obtained from Allied Supreme Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower an agreement that French troops would be allowed to enter the capital first. A few days later, General Leclerc's French Armoured Division entered the outskirts of the city, and after six days of fighting in which the resistance played a major part, the German garrison of 5000 men surrendered on 25 August, although some sporadic outbreaks of fighting continued for several days."

Mark Twain: "A Frenchman has said that when an American has nothing to do, he can always pass the time speculating about who his grandparents are. And a Frenchman can speculate about who his father is."

Video: British TV comedy

As Reader's Digest says, "Laughter is the best medicine." Give it a try, mein herr.
2018-03-10 18:17:11 UTC
No genetic threat? Germans were killing, not sharing family stories. That is why the French surrendered, they wanted to keep the things they held close instead of being bombed and forcibly invaded.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.