Sparta founded democracy much earlier,more than a century before Athens... but unlike Athenian one which had apsolute power (not very democratic), Spartan assembly didn't have the apsolute power. Every institution in Sparta controled the power of the other,including kings, but democratic assembly was proportionally the strongest in decision making, and could veto a king even.
Athenian assembly was very corrupt, and places were won in all kinds of treachery and bribe, misuse of blind, deaf and illiterate.
Athenians had brothels, prostitution, did not ban pederasty and homosexualism, Sparta DID ban all of those...
Athenian women almost had no rights, education was only for the rich, as well as the mlitary training..Spartans didn't have problems with decease due to the overcrowded city, with beggars and such number as Athens did. Athenians were very numerous yet they have relatively few victors in Olympic games.
As for the answer of professor above...Shame who now has the diploma..Those tabloid marriage practice was written centuries after Sparta's fall, and proven to be are many things of that author...And has no basis in all those KNOWN behaviors and customs of Spartans..See Helena Schrader's site for women and marriage. You have to update your knowledge sir.A lot!