What’s your theory for the JFK assassination? ?
2020-08-30 03:41:44 UTC
What’s your theory for the JFK assassination? ?
32 answers:
2020-09-06 00:33:53 UTC
I believe that Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus trilogy has it correct: One of the Dillinger quintuplets, all named John, was stationed on the Grassy Knoll anonymously dressed in a gorilla suit and carrying an umbrella in order to keep a low profile.
2020-09-02 12:37:42 UTC
I don't have a theory but the facts say Dulles, Nixon, Johnson and Hoover worked together to kill Kennedy. A group called operation 40 (created by Nixon) carried out the groundwork. They hired a team of three shooters of which James Files' story of being the grassy knoll shooter is extremely plausible. The B -team was a group that included E Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis. Oswald was involved but was not a shooter. His job was to let the shooter into the SBD and help set up. That explains why he was in the cafeteria when the shooting happened and also explains why all of the eyewitnesses said the SBD shooter was dark-skinned. 
2020-08-31 17:35:55 UTC
The past is dead. Get a job at Walmart. 

The past is dead / live the future in 2030  2050
2020-08-31 17:11:58 UTC
See the Oliver Stone movie JFK.

Alternatively, Lyndon Johnson could have ordered the hit.
2020-08-31 15:35:53 UTC
he died and LBJ became president 
2020-08-31 14:48:19 UTC
I would accept the official story except that the Dallas PD put out a call to arrest Oswald for shooting J. D. Tippett 27 minutes before Tippett was actually shot.
Const. King
2020-08-30 20:08:07 UTC
Oswald was the fall guy, but in reality we will never really know who did it.  Many people believe Lyndon Johnson had someone do it because Kennedy had planned to obtain a different VP for the next election.  
2020-08-30 14:25:49 UTC
It's an unsolved mystery. As a pragmatic person, I accept that for now. It's the opinionated people who place an inordinate value on their "intuition" who are outspoken about something they can't possibly know. In my mind, that's a sign of weakness.
alan P
2020-08-30 09:40:19 UTC
When Lee Harvey Oswald read that the presidential motorcade would pass near his place of work, the now infamous book depository, he decided he would make a name for himself.  He brought a rifle to work.  He fired three shots the first of which hit Kennedy in the neck and then passed through into the body of Governor Connolly, the second missed and the third hit Kennedy in the head killing him.  The idea that the first shot required some kind of 'magic bullet' is ridiculous.  Several studies have shown a direct line of sight from the book depository window, through Kennedy and into Connolly.

Edit As I write I have 4 thumbs up and 6 thumbs down.  Why are so many people not prepared to accept the simple and obvious answer?
2020-08-30 07:57:05 UTC
A tiger got him.
2020-09-04 18:12:34 UTC
well they pretty much gave the answer away in the movie "the irishman". it was a mob hit. Im sure it had something to do with policies he was trying to put in place.
2020-09-01 22:08:20 UTC
He wasn't the actual target.  It was an accident.  
2020-09-01 09:11:55 UTC
Illegal immigrant Sam Trafficante was humiliated
Weasel McWeasel
2020-08-31 18:08:07 UTC
I believe the simplest theory is probably the one that's true. 

After 9/11........we saw how idiots just started inventing all this crazy ridiculous nonsense about Hologram planes, and how the planes were really empty and radio controlled and all this stupidity. 

Therefore regarding JFK.......I am prone to dismiss wild theories about Master Plots by the CIA, the Mafia,  Johnson, Cuba and Castro,  Russia,  and all that nonsense. 

The simplest theory is probably TRUE.    Oswald clearly got off at least one shot and most likely hit his target.     Maybe even a second shot. 

and in the chaos that followed,  Secret service agents pulled their weapons and  and searched for the source of the shots. 

There's a theory that goes,  that in the PANIC that ensued,  an agent pulled their weapon,  and finger on the trigger,  with adrenaline pumping,   accidentally squeezed off a shot. 

The shot went wild, and  curse the damn luck,   hit Kennedy and the Motorcade. 

Simple as that.    A stupid,  grossly, misfortunate accident. 

It would explain why the bullets seemed to come from two different angles,  it would explain  why people heard a shot near the Grassy knoll....or the echo of that shot that bounced off the buildings,   that came from an agent   someone along the parade route. 

The Kennedy report was sealed for 75 years   and the Warren commission concluded  Oswald acted alone. 

If Oswald acted alone and that was that.............then WHAT was sealed for 75 years and  WHY the secrecy? 

Clearly something was being  HIDDEN. 

why 75 years?  because by then,  anyone involved would be dead. 

and it's probably as simple as , The Secret Service didn't want to admit that one of the bullets that struck Kennedy..........came from some agent that panicked and let off a wild shot. 
2020-08-31 15:02:52 UTC
Oswald did it all by himself.
2020-08-31 14:57:24 UTC
No theory.  I just go by what I saw on television that fateful morning.  All the rest has been entertaining but for what?  In the end, what I saw is what I believe.  
2020-08-31 12:51:17 UTC
JFKennedy lived with a lot of pain, he wanted it done and likely gave the order to do so under the guise that America needed a shake-up.
2020-08-31 12:08:57 UTC
I give zero pucks about jfk he was killed 60 years ago smmfh!
Scott Z
2020-08-30 21:04:28 UTC
JFK was killed by Oswald. 
miyuki & kyojin
2020-08-30 18:23:24 UTC
Lee Harvey Oswald do it alone. He love communism, live Russia awhile. Are many wild conspiracy theories (silly hoaxes) about it, none make sense or have any real evidence however.
2020-08-30 18:05:52 UTC
It's very clearly Oswald.  The theories that it isn't both ignore actual evidence and rely on rafts of fake "facts" which have cropped up around the killing in the ensuing decades. 

We know it's Oswald who did the shooting for a number of forensic reasons.  First off, we know that the shots came from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository.  A modern day team of ballistics experts recreated the path of the shots for the tv show NOVA based on the positioning of the wounds and the bodies of JFK and Texas Governor John Connally.  They came up with a zone of origin which tracks back to the sixth floor window where Oswald allegedly fired his shots.  IIRC two witnesses on the street saw a man matching Oswald's description standing in the window immediately before Kennedy's motorcade entered Dealy Plaza.  A group of workers on the fifth floor, directly below the window, could hear the shots being fired above them.  So it's very clear that the shots came from the sixth floor window (theories to the contrary are mostly based on either layman's theories of how ballistics should work or a small number of ear witnesses who thought that the shots came from another direction).  But did Oswald shoot those shots?  Again, there's pretty clear evidence linking him to the crime.  Oswald was seen on the sixth floor just before the shooting took place.  He was otherwise alone at the time, which would have given him the opportunity to take the shots.  He was never seen anywhere else until after the shooting was over (and contrary to some theories, he could easily have walked from the sixth floor at a moderate pace and gotten to the place he was seen in the time allotted.  It's been reconstructed).  At the window where the shots came from authorities found a bunch of boxes stacked up to create a kind of screen which would shield anyone at the window from someone on the sixth floor.  Oswald's fingerprints were all over the boxes.  The police also found a rifle and three spent shell casings.  These also had Oswald's fingerprints on them.  The rifle, an Italian Manlicher-Carcano, was later shown to have been the one which shot Kennedy.   Modern ballistics recreations, using the same rifle and type of ammo, resulted in a bullet which looks very similar to the "magic bullet" which caused the non fatal wounds on Kennedy and Connally.  The police would later trace the rifle to a PO Box rented by an A. Hiddel.  When Oswald was arrested he had a photo ID for Alec Hiddel in his possession.  He had previously been known to use the Hiddel alias.  Furthermore, Oswald's wife Marina testified that she had seen him with the rifle numerous times.  He even had her take a picture of him posing with the rifle (contrary to some claims, such as in the film JFK, the photo is 100% genuine.  Marina admitted to taking it and investigators have examined the negatives of the photo and shown that they weren't tampered with.  Oswald had also given a signed copy of the photo to a friend long before the assassination.  The signature has been examined by forensic handwriting analysts and determined to be Oswald's).  So we know that Oswald owned the gun.  We can also be pretty sure that he brought it to work with him the day of the assassination.  He got a ride from a coworker and when he did he had with him a long object wrapped in paper.  His coworker asked him what it was and Oswald said it was "curtain rods".  The paper wrapping was found discarded on the sixth floor.  But no curtain rods were found.  Nor was anything else which might have been in the package other than the rifle.  After the shooting, the police converged on the TSBD, which numerous witnesses identified as the origins of the shots.  They locked down the building within minutes of the shooting but Oswald had already left.  In interrogation he claimed that he left because he assumed that work would be cancelled after the shooting.  But he was the only employee to do that and his rapid exit from the building suggests less a lazy employee and more a guilty party trying to flee the scene of the crime.  The police certainly thought this as well as they put Oswald's description out over the radio as a person of interest.  Later, Oswald was walking down the street when DPD officer JD Tippit stopped and talked to him.  When Tippit exited his vehicle, Oswald drew a revolver and shot him.  Several witnesses saw the shooting and positively identified Oswald as the killer so there can be no doubt that he murdered Tippit.  In fact, Oswald started to walk away but then came back and shot Tippit again to make sure he was dead.  When the cops finally caught Oswald he drew his revolver and tried to shoot them also.    While this is not necessarily proof that Oswald killed Kennedy it is proof of his guilty state of mind.  Innocent people don't shoot cops.
2020-08-30 13:59:59 UTC
Republicans racist nazis did it
Elaine M
2020-08-30 13:41:59 UTC
He was shot by a gun.
2020-08-30 10:55:54 UTC
The cover ups were obviously organized at such a high level, that the number of people in the USA who could have arranged it was very small.   The evidence points to one man.  JFK arranged for his own execution.  The question is why. 
2020-08-30 10:12:32 UTC
Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon shot JFK.
2020-08-30 08:29:57 UTC
I have, over the years, seen so many theories about the JFK assassination that I am now thoroughly confused.
2020-08-30 08:15:20 UTC
Ignore the conspiracy nutters. These are the same wackos who believe the Qanon nonsense. It happened the way it was reported. 
2020-08-30 04:57:06 UTC
One guy with a rifle in the book depository.   Same guy killed a cop later in the day.    Finger prints were all over the gun and shell casings.   
Uncle Pennybags
2020-08-30 04:53:08 UTC
The mob rubbed him out.

The mob hired, blackmailed or tricked Oswald into shooting at Kennedy.  They may have even thought they were just sending a message, figuring that Oswald couldn't hit a moving target at that distance.

But when the hit was successful, and Oswald was captured alive, they sent low level mobster Jack Ruby to rub out Oswald before he could squeal.
2020-08-30 04:15:22 UTC
I believe that whilst Lee Harvey Oswald had all intention to kill JFK it wasn't his round that hit him. I believe that it was an accidental discharge from a Secret Serviceman in JFK's car. At the time the Secret Service was an incredibly unprofessional force. They were undermanned and over worked which led to such behaviours. The detail that protected JFK for example on that day had been drinking until 2 or 3 (can't member exactly) that morning. The AR-15s were also carried in the detail cars load, with a round in the chamber with the safety off to facilitate fast response. The car immediately behind JFK had a agent standing up with his rifle pointing forwards who fell over when his car sped up to keep up with the speeding Presidents car. I don't think it's a stretch to suggest that as the agent fell his finger was on the trigger and pulled during the fall with the rifle pointing towards JFK. 

That's why the commission was sealed. That's documents and evidence wasn't released. That's why there are incompleteness of the autopsy record. Can you imagine the fallout of the Secret Service accidentally succeeding where an assassin didn't? That would truly be a disaster not just for the Secret Service but the US Government as a whole.
2020-09-01 11:50:09 UTC
I believe the accidental bullet theory which states JFK was killed accidentally when the driver of the secret service convertible behind the president's car jammed on the accelerator to keep up with the other cars while at that exact moment, a secret service agent, reaching for a Secret Service model JAR kept in a special harness, accidentally discharged the weapon causing the horrible head shot. The reality of this monumental mistake was so stupendous that the intelligence community closed ranks to the point where the Warren report was obvious bulls**t.  Truth being in fact stranger than fiction, well, I embrace this theory as the strangest that does not invoke aliens.
2020-08-31 19:23:17 UTC
Most likely an operation northwoods soviet plot connected with the venona project, to place the blame on Fidel Castro in order to justify the USA invading Cuba, so that the soviets could in turn, justify launching the nuclear weapons they had pointed at USA during the cuban missile crisis.

However, President Johnson, likely prevented WWIII when he chose to lie, and blame it all on Lee Harvey Oswald, thus, preventing the blame from being placed on Fidel Castro, which Johnson knew, would spark wwIII.

Lee Harvey Oswald was definitely well connected with the Communist party however.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.