I believe the simplest theory is probably the one that's true.
After 9/11........we saw how idiots just started inventing all this crazy ridiculous nonsense about Hologram planes, and how the planes were really empty and radio controlled and all this stupidity.
Therefore regarding JFK.......I am prone to dismiss wild theories about Master Plots by the CIA, the Mafia, Johnson, Cuba and Castro, Russia, and all that nonsense.
The simplest theory is probably TRUE. Oswald clearly got off at least one shot and most likely hit his target. Maybe even a second shot.
and in the chaos that followed, Secret service agents pulled their weapons and and searched for the source of the shots.
There's a theory that goes, that in the PANIC that ensued, an agent pulled their weapon, and finger on the trigger, with adrenaline pumping, accidentally squeezed off a shot.
The shot went wild, and curse the damn luck, hit Kennedy and the Motorcade.
Simple as that. A stupid, grossly, misfortunate accident.
It would explain why the bullets seemed to come from two different angles, it would explain why people heard a shot near the Grassy knoll....or the echo of that shot that bounced off the buildings, that came from an agent someone along the parade route.
The Kennedy report was sealed for 75 years and the Warren commission concluded Oswald acted alone.
If Oswald acted alone and that was that.............then WHAT was sealed for 75 years and WHY the secrecy?
Clearly something was being HIDDEN.
why 75 years? because by then, anyone involved would be dead.
and it's probably as simple as , The Secret Service didn't want to admit that one of the bullets that struck Kennedy..........came from some agent that panicked and let off a wild shot.