People dont Give thumbs down just because you cant find what i can Try using all these search engines Like I do Google Au. Uk. Ca. De. Dogpile Alta Vita and Not Google USA and see where all the Real truths are and Maybe you will actually learn something that your country does not want you to Know Like The Truth
I am NOT a Revisionist I am telling what is already in real History books I am not rewriting anything as you can see from all My Links all these cannot be wrong Just because You dont Like the Truth
End of Edit
Because Eisenhower Hid the facts when he Left shafe HQ in germany he Burnt the Files
and the USA is to ashamed to allow people to read This
the 1.65 Million other Links that actually confirm he did like this one
Hate me all You Like But My God Knows i am telling the Truth
Yes after WW2 the Treasury Introduced Morgenthau Plan which was to eradicate 25 5 of the German people the Morgenthau Plan was later called JCS 1067 to gide it from the allies and in July 1947, JCS 1067 was Cancelled as It Had Never been approved By Congress
September 16, 1944, Roosevelt and Morgenthau persuaded the initially very reluctant British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to agree to the Morganthau plan, likely using a $6 billion Lend Lease agreement to do so. Churchill chose however to narrow the scope of Morgenthau's proposal by drafting a new version of the memorandum, which ended up being the version signed by the two statesmen. The gist of the signed memorandum was "This programme for eliminating the war-making industries in the Ruhr and in the Saar is looking forward to converting Germany into a country primarily agricultural and pastoral in its character."
In 1945 Eisenhower used Morgenthau Plan to set up 200 POW camps along the Rhine where the US Army starved to death 1.7 Million German POWS Eisenhower Got around the Geneva convention By re classifying them as Disarmed Enemy Combatants WIC in itself was Illegal
Eisenhower Ordered all Food left over from american Occupational forces be destroyed and Not allow any food the fall into the hands of German Refuges
the Red cross sent 10 million red cross parcels to the camps Turned Back By eisenhower
a train from Italy containing 100 tons of Food for the Refuges turned Back with the statement we don't need the food we have Plenty
After the Deaths the camps were Destroyed and all evidence removed and Before Eisenhower left for the USA tried to Hide the Evidence By burning all his Files In SHAFE HQ if Frankfurt
But to late as the British were already complaining and they were Banned from the Occupied Rhine
this Link is from an American Soldier who was a Guard
after It was all Over Eisenhower Blamed the Russians
yes it is an Historic fact that the evil swedish Jew Had 1.7 Million german POW'S Murdered and for my abusers Live with it i Know the Truth