Did China create the coronavirus on purpose?
2020-04-17 15:26:50 UTC
I'm scared that China created the coronavirus on purpose because if they did they are responsible for daily thousand deaths.
218 answers:
2020-04-19 18:14:14 UTC
I believe China released the virus on purpose. Why else lie about it in the beginning? They wanted it to cause as

much damage as possible in my opinion. The world needs to act in unison against China.
2020-04-21 08:49:15 UTC
 the break down on this is why where they doing this in the first place

and that lab how did it get out hand someone messed up and didnt tell what happen at first delaying out of fear, so whos telling that lie

first it was a wild wolf why a wolf and what for leave things alone

dont be doing tests and why tests ! for what what the hell for

and the wet market was a big lie no market could do something like this

the wet market and the wolf and bat is bull crap really its a cover up

and so many pointing fingers like little kids !!! be a man and stand up for what you did
2020-04-20 19:27:54 UTC
No, the Chinese did not create the coronavirus. There are and have been various coronaviruses throughout history, its just this particular one is a new one and they haven't found a vaccine for it (yet) as for blaming a specific nation that is racist af. 
2020-04-18 20:02:17 UTC
NO! The Corona virus came from infected bats, Not from Chinese people. The Chinese people are innocent and they did nothing wrong but get bit by one which caused the whole virus thing. Please leave Chinese people alone. They have done nothing wrong to deserve this. Im from California and everyday i hear a bunch of losers in public talking bad about Chinese people.
2020-04-18 19:30:48 UTC
..........................................................Nothing but a hoax.
2020-04-18 10:50:45 UTC
We will know because investigation is still on going. 
2020-04-18 00:34:42 UTC
It escaped from one of their Level 4 research facilities in Wuhan, apparently. They are encouraging the false “bat soup-eating, dirty Chinese people” narrative as a coverup strategy. 
2020-04-17 16:46:48 UTC
they have not created the virus on purpose, 

BUT both the government and people were irresponsible

and shows a very indifferent attitude rather than an apology

you hit someone with a car, 

might not be your fault,

but you still gatta say sorry,

compensate for he might have familys to feed

rather than acting like its not your fault

kinda like how china is blaming its coming from america =\
The Oracle of Omigod
2020-04-17 15:50:19 UTC
Most likely the virus escaped the laboratory in Wuhan which was doing research on deadly viruses so that the world would be prepared for a pandemic - but instead they caused the pandemic by covering up their problem until it became worldwide.
2020-04-17 15:37:15 UTC
I don't think so. The first person to become infected was working in a laboratory in China, but they were probably working on a vaccine. You have to have the virus in order to do that.
2020-04-23 23:47:56 UTC
Yup they did it for population control
2020-04-21 17:40:39 UTC
Yeah! I am sure that they created the COVID-19 virus to give trolls like you something to troll with on Yahoo Answers!
2020-04-21 16:19:13 UTC
With all this information against them Imma still give them benefit of the doubt I di not think they created it, they were too wise to do that on purpose 
2020-04-21 00:04:01 UTC
I lean on the side of......yes. If they didn't, they at least created it in their labs. Either way they're responsible
2020-04-20 21:17:48 UTC
I wouldn't put anything past the dirty disgusting Chinese and they also lie about everything.
2020-04-20 07:51:03 UTC
The information points in that direction.  They are not the US friends.
2020-04-20 03:45:50 UTC
People always need to believe in conspiracy theories, I have no idea why. The coronavirus was created by poor and desperate people eating bats.
Apollo Augustus
2020-04-20 01:52:09 UTC
Of course they created on purpose.

They're communists and Asians.

Two filthy characteristics.

You would be mind if you won't agree with that.

We need something to exterminate this guys.
2020-04-19 22:14:38 UTC
Unlikely. It hasn't benefitted anyone in China. 
2020-04-19 15:25:50 UTC
Some are saying it leaked from a lab and it has extreme similarities to the SARS virus which broke out in China in 2002. China’s government has been sneaky about it and did not allow them to publish the genome sequence which makes us think.. why would they not allow that if it was a random Coronavirus which just popped up? Either way the most important thing right now is to mitigate spread and find a vaccine or effective treatment.
2020-04-19 10:21:14 UTC
Only stupid fellows think so  ! 
2020-04-19 07:55:09 UTC
In a short answer, yes, they did. However, it is unclear whether they intended to harm the entire world or some of their people such as the prosecuted Uighur community in China. it is also unclear whether they released it intentionally or it got out of their hands. But so many indications show that this virus is not natural, but a manmade. 
2020-04-19 07:24:47 UTC
coronavirus was created in a laboratory to create a biological weapon against the US they were added by Democrats in the US to disrupt the 2020 elections. The Chinese were funded by the DNC and Nancy Pelosi
2020-04-18 23:46:21 UTC
I think and have a feeling that coronavirus did come from China. And it's handmade. Thinking because it's getting worse not better.
2020-04-18 19:37:08 UTC
Remember the USA opium problem caused by Chinese imports? Remember the current Turkish government asking them to flood the Greek border? 

It could be from bat soup. But I like to think outside of the box. People were once mocked for believing that the mafia had a commission. But the FBI discovered there was a small group of people controlling thousands of employees. Thinking outside of the box destroyed the mafia.
2020-04-18 19:22:44 UTC
Being that they have a biotech in Wuhan, clearly. The outbreak on the other hand was likely an accident and a result of incompetence in how things are handled.
2020-04-18 18:33:34 UTC
Yes, unfortunately then did. Escaped from their Lab in Wuhan. Though they did receive funding from the United States to create it. They released it by accident. 
2020-04-18 05:41:00 UTC
Not sure. But they did let it spread on purpose. 
2020-04-17 23:35:08 UTC
yes they did to kill off thier old people.
2020-04-17 15:45:25 UTC
The US virologists have pretty much ruled out that COVID-19 was man-made. So the best guess now is that a naturally occurring virus was being studied at the Wu Han Virology lab and an asymptomatic lab technician got infected and carried the virus out the door.

In was an accident.  But it was an avoidable accident and should not have happened.  That lab needs to be shut down and its management fired.
2020-04-21 01:28:12 UTC
No. It's a worldwide plan by the richest people to eliminate the homeless, poor, elderly & middle class. It's chemical warfare. The problems of the world come from those  4 groups mainly. They (We) are in the way. Those who survive won't be able to for long, being broke & becoming the new poor & homeless. Once only the very rich are left everything will be tron down & the world will be rebuilt-like a massive Hamptons in warm climates, who the hel knows in cold climates. The servants will be the now middle class youth who survive but have no real college education. I can go on & on, but you get the idea. 
2020-04-20 05:41:28 UTC
I don't agree not just because I am Chinese its because the pandemic started in China why would the Chinese kill their own people.
Typical Douchebag
2020-04-20 05:33:25 UTC
Great theory. Super original. But can you answer exactly why would they want to kill the very people that their economy relies so heavily upon?
2020-04-19 21:00:47 UTC
it is under investigation,,suggestion,,search you tube for non democrat sources

china being what it is,a dictatorship, has said on various occasions,we intend to supplant the west/US as the worlds pre emanent power,they realize quite well,as of now their military will be stopped should they try to claim S china sea off limits,I E, sink or warn off those ships that encroach their new border US 7th fleet is what prevents that, would the nation that ordered tanks and troops to kill protesters at tiennaman sq be reluctant to try bacteriological warfare to do us in?,  yes  I think they would do it
2020-04-19 20:17:06 UTC
if a lab was working on such a virus it would be sensible to also  have an antidote in hand  just in case! odds are despite criticism it was a genuine disease and is first of many we will see suddenly arriving. if China had deliberately  deployed it .. they wood do it  where it cannot be tarred back to them!  How do we know it was not another country planting it there so they get blame? illogical and not much to be again at all. in fact  risk of being found out or have a whistle blower vastly exceed any potential or possible advantages. a more likely simple incident where an animal disease has crossed barrier to  another species ( us) is far more logical. look at mad cow disease etc Nobody deliberately  starts dit but it occurred anyway . what we need now is a joined up world health  service  such as WHO but including. labs and ability to study . and handle such outbreaks and  ALL initial  out breaks to be reported and samples handled ( with care) to labs. Only by a high level well organised and world wide organisation can reasonably be expected to combat pandemics.
Al D
2020-04-19 16:31:05 UTC
Scientists do not believe that the virus is man-made. The technology to create the virus isn't available.
Mr. Wizard
2020-04-19 12:54:22 UTC
The CDC knows the source origins of 18 COVID strains currently known existent on Earth; this new one, number 19, is still under investigation because it's relatively new.

It is my understanding that the source of COVID-19 purports to have been located in Wuhan, China. Blame contention ( not sure from who; perhaps Chinese health officials? ) points to the transmission of COVID-19 from infected bats to humans.

Given the fact that COVID-19 has penetrated communist countries neighboring China--as well as everywhere else across the U.K. and Asia, I suspect the virus has been broken out and spreading for several months. 

So it begs to question: If we know COVID-19 was sourced from Wuhan, China--then HOW could the world--especially the United States-- NOT notice it's spread?

Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic, in the United States, IS being politicized.  

Even IF the White House didn't immediately respond to first reports of it threatening the U.S.---we would have known about it WAY beforehand, just the same. 

This is where suspicion CAN logically fall on anti-Trump global media "news" outlets, bent on character discreditation of President Trump; they kept reports QUIET, till they could not anymore. 

Remember: Today, we have a lightning fast, digital ONLINE news reporting system all across Earth--that can bring news events to our attention literally just AFTER the event(s) happen!!

It's also my understanding that aggressively active investigations from the CDC are underway....and the United Nations is also preparing to investigate this historic pandemic health crisis.

Their findings are going to be most interesting; I estimate we'll be told of such by early December, after factual confirmations are made and proven.  

Albeit the alleged COVID-19 numbers look gloomy--recovery progress IS improving with each day with credit for such being mass public compliance with what protective measures ( frequent hand washing, glove and face mask usage, limited public interaction for ONLY BASIC NEEDS and stay-at-home practices. 

2020-04-19 12:12:38 UTC
We may never know that answer. Howsoever, I believe once China new their people were being infected, they kept it a secret from the world because they wanted it to spread. There is no other logical explanation.
2020-04-19 11:37:55 UTC
It’s the apocalypse 
2020-04-19 03:46:30 UTC
They warned Trump last Fall that we would see something like we never saw before. I believe this was done knowingly. Too much emphasis on "it was an accident". Why are they so defensive? This thing will have repercussions for decades to come, long after this is over. Lawsuits, truths revealed, etc...

There's much to be learned for years to come.
2020-04-19 02:41:00 UTC
I heard they made it on purpose for the people in Hong Kong. but then it went of control and affecting everybody world wide. 
2020-04-18 18:16:00 UTC
Do you think if they found out they would tell you the truth?
2020-04-18 17:33:01 UTC
China has their nuclear plants why not have a lab to start another kind of war. There are chemical wars out there waiting to sound off so I have to say it's a possibility. What gets me is that they are saying it's not man made so why the mystery of how it's growing so quickly? They say wash your hands with soap than why not give people a dose of soap and see if it kills this virus. While we wear masks are people still getting infected. That is one question no one seems to ask. Just like the series The Walking Dead and many other programs that seem to wonder how a body can live after exposure to a virus. I just came here to give my thoughts about this virus. Here's a thought, they say wash your hands but does that mean to wash your hands what every 10 minutes or wash them when you touch a surface? My eerie question would be if it's people to people contact and you do not leave your home for the 14 days incubation period does it mean that this virus grows on its own like how mold grows in your home or mildew? There are so many questions about any kind of viruses but this one seems to confuse the well educated scientists. This could be the reason why NASA is so concern about going to another planet. I have to wonder as others have commented that US could have played a part of this virus. I bet they were trying to find another method of destroying Korea but it backfired. At this point, we are doomed. We are not out of this virus situation until the last victim is cleared and that could take another year. While this virus disappears I bet another virus will arise coming from China. Why must we always assume it was China?
2020-04-18 15:06:11 UTC
yep.... they sure did
Const. King
2020-04-18 14:48:01 UTC
Reports have came in stating that the virus came from a test tube in China, not from a bat.  Not 1 word that China says can ever be believed.
2020-04-18 14:27:45 UTC
China needed to stop the political unrest in Hong Kong and hurt Trump's reelection chances.  China has lied about the start of the virus, the origin of the virus and the number of  people killed.  They are also lying about the current second wave.  Stop buying anything made in China.  
2020-04-18 14:08:38 UTC
China has not come clean about its  proactive role as sponsorer of the CORONAVIRUS world attack That China has the constant ambition of world domination     -   this s a very cost effective method of  ruining the economies of the most of the countries of the world. Post facto action of suppressing the "origin" of the Corona virus  and the factum of  suppressing the number of fatal and non fatal casualties  also befuddles the issue. China was giving daily increase of its positively  coronavirus affected population and then as if on a cue this  was discontinued and it was reported that all its positively affected population has been cured, Was China in possession of pre developed vaccine for the Corona virus. WHO role  shows some positive "knee - flexing"  before tha  Dragon..  Be it as it may the Dragon has  caused immense loss  of life and

terrible losses to populations of the third world and the developing countries on account of absence of /  costly  medical expenses..  It shall be in fitness of the things that China  discards its  military  hordes and their costly equipment and devotes its finances and energies for the economic uplifting of the poor populations of all the developing countries  without caring for caste colour,creed or political affiliations.of these people.  

Mr. anonymous
2020-04-18 03:19:20 UTC
There are 2 versions of how Coronavirus was spread. 

1) China did it on purpose, knowing that this would wreak the entire world's economy and leave Chinese economy on top. 2) I watched a video, where someone said there's a bio weapons lab in Wuhan, and that the scientists often sold the experimental animals to the nearby market for a profit. So I guess someone bought that animal, ate it, and spread it to others.
2020-04-18 02:54:09 UTC
Fauci said highly unlikely 
2020-04-17 23:26:49 UTC
No. Not on purpose. It hit there own people first and hard.

 But it is their fault for minimizing the problem. And for not putting stricter controls on outdoor markets. They knew about this oin the early 2000s after SARS.

A weapon that is largely asymtomatic for 75 per cent is a rather weak weapon. Preponder3nce of evidence says not
2020-04-21 03:16:58 UTC
A lot of their own good people died.  So, no.
2020-04-21 00:21:49 UTC
I am a Chinese normal boy. And i think u can try it.i don't really mind.because we all know what ganna be happened if u do that.we will be all game over.little joke. 
2020-04-20 21:18:17 UTC
Coronavirus was born by itself.
Alan H
2020-04-20 08:18:17 UTC
Of course not. But.....passing the buck helps us avoid our own responsibility 
2020-04-20 06:53:18 UTC
That's highly unlikely. Even if China did create it, you can't kill everyone in China. Did you even stop and think about the innocent to guilty ratio in China? Most of them are innocent. The virus came from either pangolins, seafood, or snakes. Does China have a reason for creating a virus? No. Does China have a reason for infecting its OWN PEOPLE? No.
2020-04-20 04:56:00 UTC
History is cool
2020-04-19 23:20:35 UTC
I believe that this virus was created for something really bad. I don't who created it or where it was created, but it's a sort of bio weapon.
2020-04-19 20:32:37 UTC
People are squished with population.

Disease spreads.
2020-04-19 13:53:05 UTC
Display a picture of coronavirus. So far this "virus scare" appears to be voter pandering by the administration.

Correct me if I'm wrong but a pandemic of world wide proportions as claimed has to be stopped by fire right? 

Any place the virus is found needs a torching and should be burned to the ground.

Like LA and New York city. As the worst 'carriers' in the nation shouldn't they be torched?

Shouldn't they be a hellish inferno now to 'stop the pandemic'?

If not why not why lie about a "virus" unless its to steal the tax base and get away with it thru voter pandering.
2020-04-19 11:03:59 UTC
It's possible but all sides involved have an agenda.
2020-04-18 20:26:40 UTC
Never. Didn't you hear? They said that it came from bats man bats. We should believe everything they say and also the media. Oh btw we need more ventilators!!  
2020-04-18 20:16:46 UTC
China did not create it on purpose but it did suppress its news on purpose because like all totalitarian governments the emperor cannot be seen to be wrong.

Do not despair. For like the USSR etc. all great evil empires like China always implode. Watch how desperately he controls the narrative inside China and the reason is simple. For the paranoid yellow Stalin it is simply necessary for survival
The Devil
2020-04-18 18:56:31 UTC
Shelter in place then. If this is the one that slipped out, imagine the one that is under stronger security. No time to start fights, like what's his name orange dude does all the time. His example is potentially fatal for all of us.

Our CRISPR program has much deadlier than cronavirus, plus cures that will be given only to select few.
2020-04-18 14:33:09 UTC
Yes I think so my dad showed me this article about that on fox news  now all stop blowing up my phone please 
2020-04-18 12:53:29 UTC
I'm scared of the cornish cuser
2020-04-18 12:19:34 UTC
It was created at the instruction of Barack Obama.
2020-04-18 11:33:34 UTC
I certainly think so but then I'm only a running dog capitalist hyena .
2020-04-18 11:05:43 UTC
I think that is very unlikely. Why would they infect their own country? Even if you think 'they' were coldblooded enough to do that, 'they' could die too!

I suppose it is possible it escaped from a lab. We may never know for sure.
2020-04-17 22:46:46 UTC
I think they did.

They don't care one cluck about their own citizens.  They use their people for slave labor, which is why Chinese products are so cheap. 
2020-04-17 22:16:42 UTC
yes they did to kill off thier old people.
Free Advice
2020-04-23 17:41:36 UTC
Chinese  Food came from China-- none of you crackers get mad over that being said-- but if someone suggests the virus came from China-- you'll want to use the race-baiting card.
2020-04-22 13:09:25 UTC
It might get used as one in the future.     SARS ,MERS ,COVID all could be the next big extinction if we are not vigilant.
2020-04-20 22:08:22 UTC
possibly it could have been made by them we wont no till later
2020-04-20 20:16:47 UTC
I love the way you think!
2020-04-20 16:56:46 UTC
Ridiculous. If they did that they'd make it look like someone else did it. 
2020-04-20 15:11:13 UTC
The 1% created the virus
2020-04-20 06:38:50 UTC
saying the chinese did this on purpose makes no sense, as a weapon its very haphazrd and unpredictable, and starting it on your own doorstep and hoping to spread it elsewhere seems kinda suicidal
2020-04-20 01:05:41 UTC
No, China did NOT manufacture COVID-19. The allegation here is that a Chinese laboratory was working on some natural corona viruses and whoops, one of the staff got infected and now 100,000 people are dead. Here’s a tip about germ warfare: If you’re trying to unleash bio-war on the world, you usually don’t start by killing several thousand of your own people. there is ZERO evidence that this pandemic came from a Chinese lab cockup. 

So, to review. We don’t know where COVID-19 comes from, it probably didn’t come from the Huanan market, and yeah, sometimes labs screw up and release unbelievably dangerous pathogens. Now wear a mask, wash your hands, keep your distance, and STAY HOME until we can tame this damned thing.
2020-04-19 18:42:06 UTC
No, why would they disperse the virus like this if they did? Tens of thousands of their own people likely died. Why do it in a way that will cause global sanctions? They lied because they wanted to contain it before it became a crisis that would be damaging in this globalized economy
Little Ms Sunshine
2020-04-19 13:53:49 UTC
Lots of conspiracy theories here, so you can take your pick if that's what you want to believe. My research tells me that the virus evolved, but, then, most conspiracy theorists don't believe in natural evolution.  

I do agree that China was irresponsible and it got out of control, but so was Trump irresponsible and let it get out of control in the US... 

The most important thing is that we save and improve the healthcare system, because this will not be the last pandemic the world will experience.
2020-04-19 10:30:10 UTC
Even if they did, who is going to try and hold them accountable ? As seen with the South China Sea, China does what China wants and nothing will get in their way. 
2020-04-19 08:41:42 UTC
The accusations slope towards China.

Those folk are the natural enemy of the world.

Always have been, and THEY believe that any other subspecies of Human is primitive, ape-like.

Which is odd considering their Simian appearance.

I'd slant towards thinking it was the Chung's that did it.

You can hear the c h i n k, c h i n k, c h i n k, of profit behind each fatality.

Atom bombs are pointless unless used.
2020-04-19 08:13:41 UTC
This is funny because i just finished Resident Evil 2
☼ GƖơώ ✞ Ѡɪηǥs ☼
2020-04-19 07:33:54 UTC
This is only phase 1 of how many other cards they may pull from their sleeve?  I am sure the last card played in the series of coming events, will be the Trump card!  :D
2020-04-19 01:27:56 UTC
I can say if you watch some videos from NTD on YouTube you'll find there was much more deaths than they are disclosing. That in itself tells me something when you consider the millions of deaths unreported.
2020-04-18 12:16:34 UTC
You see folks? Having intercourse with bats is a gnarly thing to do.
2020-04-18 05:52:22 UTC
I think they did create the virus to kill off their own people but then they couldn't contain it in their own country since a lot of their own citizens would travel which became a problem since it spreads so fast.

China is just sooo secretive and sneaky that the whole world now doubts their actions whether they did do it on purpose or that was sheer bad luck.
2020-04-18 03:42:19 UTC
I think they did and hurt themselves by accident.  I feel any debt the us owes to China should be at zero now.
acK attacK
2020-04-18 02:40:59 UTC
Why would China do that?Also they already tested it and they proved it wasn’t a mad made virus.
2020-04-17 22:45:10 UTC
I think they did. 

They don't care one cluck about their own citizens.  They use their people for slave labor, which is why Chinese products are so cheap.  

They ravage the environment, pollute the air worse than any other country,

overfish endangered species, eat vermin as delicacies, and murder their own people for the organs.

Trump loves China and N.Korea
2020-04-21 19:46:43 UTC
I think so. We shouldn't allie against chinese PEOPLE, but the goverment. Some think the goverment wanted to create a biological weapon against all of us. It might've escaped from a Wuhan P4 lab (not verified)
2020-04-20 20:08:46 UTC
The latest report is that this virus is a 98% exact replica of a known bat virus and is therefore...  a 98% indication that this is not an escapee from a Chinese lab.
Ralph G
2020-04-20 13:03:27 UTC
If the corona virus is a biological weapon, why did they unleash it in their country first?
2020-04-20 03:13:37 UTC
This is what I heard from someone in Hong Kong. The Chinese and French were working on some kind of vaccine. Testing it on animals. These discarded infected animals were sold to poor people for food.
2020-04-19 22:15:53 UTC
Yes it seems like that because it isn't getting any better and + the lockdown keeps increasing... more and more cases are found each day. I've heard they came up with some medicine. Which cures the virus idk
2020-04-19 21:40:47 UTC
So Ivanka purses can't be sold, is the theory
2020-04-19 16:45:45 UTC
  Although China dined all allegations regarding the spread of Croronavirus from Chinese Lab in Chinese coronavirus epicenter Wuhan. But after the claim of the United States and some other countries through investigation is needed to find out the real causes of deadly coronavirus pandemic. But at the time when relations between the United States and China in hot water it will be very difficult to go to Wuhan and find out the truth. 
2020-04-19 15:19:14 UTC
Yes, the outbreak started in the Chinese city of Wuhan and the country has almost 82000 cases, but the US now has said that China has more deaths and did not want to reveal the number and is hiding everything.
2020-04-19 12:35:39 UTC
Yes, It was created in Wuhan, China in a biological weapons laboratory that leaked out due to mishandling. And not that BS lie it came from Chinese people eating bat soup. Strange that this virus came about right when the citizens was having a uprisal with its government🤔.
2020-04-19 11:45:58 UTC
Mother Earth create virus cause too many human
2020-04-18 21:58:39 UTC
yes,it was created as a bio-terrorist weapon.
2020-04-18 21:14:52 UTC
Yes, China did intentionally create the Wuhan virus.  The virus was sequenced and about 30,000 gene pairs from AIDS were found in the exact order along with sequences from SARS and 4 other viruses.  The idea that this could have happened in nature is an impossibility. 

Most people are saying that China didn't create the virus to be used as a weapon, but instead a lab scientist accidentally was bitten and/or peed upon by the bats.  The scientist then went out to the public not realizing they were affected and that's probably how it all started.  This is still a best guess theory, the truth has yet to be fully understood.  What's known for certain is that the samples that China had were ordered destroyed.  China knew for six weeks that the virus was being transmitted from human to human but said nothing, and when the virus was known to be affecting China's population, China insisted that it was not being transmitted from human to human as evident by the the World Health Organization's tweet on Jan. 14th that stated as such.
2020-04-18 18:34:29 UTC
Why do people keep asking this when all the scientists say there's no evidence it was man made and a lot of evidence that it came from animals probably bats. If it was man made they'd tell us they've told us when other things were man made.
2020-04-18 16:20:12 UTC
I believe China is the cause of this pandemic, however, Trump is the main cause of the deaths in the USA from this deadly virus, because he did not listen to experts when he should have closed our borders.  Things should have gone by demographics.  Using the governing body policy:  President, close all American borders, Governors, close all state borders, no one in, & if you leave, you must stay wherever you went, next:  Mayors of each city in each state should have closed the cities with the highest infections.  If anyone is out without needing essentials should get locked up or fined.  The only way to stop the spread of this deadly virus is to stay in unless you MUST go out.  People who want to open this country back up to this virus are Trump supporters even if you didn't vote for him.  Beach goers, parting people, & other idiots not taking this virus serious should all be in the SAME place together & not be allowed to be among people who are trying to help stop the spread of this deadly virus.  OUR COUNTRY NEEDS TO HEAL BEFORE WE OPEN BACK UP, because the infections will begin all over again.  Listening to Trump, we will never heal.  All people have to do is use common sense.  I have found that the smartest people over our government aren't that smart all.  If the REPUBLICANS & CONS want to contaminate the USA, they should pick one state and stay there.  THIS DEADLY VIRUS DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE, IT'S TAKING LIVES ON A DAILY BASIS.  VOTE TRUMP OUT OF OFFICE AND LIVE.
2020-04-18 11:37:21 UTC
No, i don't think so.
2020-04-18 11:16:30 UTC
It turns out the Obama Administration funded the virology lab in Wuhan to research corona virus in bats. An Obama affiliates or CIA holdover probably bribed an underpaid personnel in the lab to release it. Peter Strokz did text to Liza Page that they have an insurance policy. Bill Maher, SJWs, & (D)wTDS were dreaming of this scenario before the second Impeachment inquiry began over a year ago. A holdover most likely thought this was a good plan since all (D) cares about is power & sheeples are just tools to manipulate in the pursuit of power.

The 2nd & 5th sentence of the above paragraph is just a theory, a probable theory seeing what great lengths the Obama FBI, CIA, & NDI will conspire with FUSION GPS & FISA court to attempt an espionage coupe to get the POTUS impeached.

China took extraordinary measure when it was apparent how contagious and unnoticeable the virus was with people not having symptoms, but it was too late as initially they focused on quarantining people having symptoms which allowed the virus to spread out of Wuhan to the world through travelers showing no signs of infection. There was an Africanized swine flu happening at the same time that started a couple of months earlier. China was under siege by two outbreaks, trying to control the outbreak on their own and keeping it to themselves than receive help from an adversary out of pride made them look bad to people suspicious of Communist China's Gov. China did a good job containing SARS from infecting the world, but was ill prepared to handle containment of a highly infectious respiratory disease 3-5 times more contagious than the seasonal flu, but 2/3 less lethal now known as COVID-19. COVID-19 may be impossible to contain in a world connected by travel & transport where every day life requires social interactions in close proximity where COVID-19 air droplets can easily spread & infect in which the whole world was not prepared for.

The covid-19 doing havoc in New York & New Jersey seems to be a different strain originating from Europe. The European strain may have mutated from MERS (camel flu) or it came from European bats & other mammals since COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) can infect other mammals. Despite the war cries against Chinese Wet Markets, there doesn't seem to be much vitriol in African bush meat markets were Ebola & HIV was unleashed by under cooked primate/monkey meat.

There's a Chimp Island in a river in Liberia Africa to keep chimpanzees confined in the Island, until they die out or develop an immunity, experimented upon by US disease scientist to study Syphilis in Chimps & create a cure. The US failed in creating a cure for syphilis in the Tuskegee experiments that gathered infected Sub Saharan descent with Syphilis in a controlled environment where the participants thought they were being treated for the disease, but they weren't being treated nor were they told they were being studied. After the Tuskegee scandal US disease scientist resorted with studying Syphilis in chimpanzees in which scientist also failed in a cure. Anthrax are most likely being brewed & locked up in Montauk Island & Tuskegee bio labs, if not Tulane Univ., not to mention Unit 731 experiments data turned over by Imperial Japan's Unit 731 scientists. Syphilis is an American Tropical disease.

Fauci & Birx have served for 4 decades, but don't know a thing about a new corona virus they haven't observed & studied. CDC had no choice but to copy how China & the rest of Asia handles this new COVID-19 Virus that is relatively unknown to the world. Fauci studied Ebola for 3 1/2 decades before a dent of 1%-5% survival rate was possible. Unlike COVID-19 prevention of Ebola even HIV is not to get bitten, licked, or raped by Gorillas, Chimps, Baboons, Capuchins, simply cook & eat the bush meat very well done. Melanesians of Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea & Austronesians of Indonesia hunt & eat wild bats very well done. Americans eat Black & Brown Bears, Racoons, Nutria, Porcupines, even mountain lion to not waste the meat, but if Koreans, Vietnamese, Pilipino, Indonesian, Nigerians, Congolese, Kenyans, & tribal indigenous South American natives eat dogs, bats & tarantulas its a crime of the century. Even eating Sun, Moon, & Spectacled  Bears are a taboo for snooty European descent. Africa, S/E Asia, Oceana, C/S America still have lots of wet Market. The US had lots of wet markets up until after WWII when Birds Eye's frozen food took off. Obtaining fresh meat in the US nowdays is mostly harvested directly from the wilderness or livestock in farms.

Once in a hundred years there's a pandemic that mankind can't prevent or control anytime. Single Cell Bacterial Viruses mutate all the time that allowed evolution to occur for billions of years & led to multi-cell organisms such as humans to dominate the word. Viral outbreak seems to pop up where large flocks, herds, & communities are densely packed. Every living thing (Animal, Plant, Fungi) on the planet has some sort of disease for billions of years. As mankind converts 85% of the planet's forest cover for human use: cultivation, roads, & development: entertainment, settlement, warehouse, airports... diseases have nowhere to go but where humans are to survive.
2020-04-18 10:34:23 UTC
The US government is a prime suspect and they have a history of dropping virus on people.
2020-04-18 05:51:26 UTC
I think this is a question we are all asking. It a very suspicious that the first Chinese Doctor to come out and announce it died a week later and another one a couple of weeks later. Plus they covered up the actual numbe of deaths in Wuhan. Does make you wonder.
The Taxpayer
2020-04-17 15:37:22 UTC
Evidence is mounting that did.
2020-04-17 15:29:47 UTC
There is a huge potential that the virus “accidentally” infected someone from the lab in Wuhan as they have been warned in 2018 that they were not taking precautions by the US government.  The Wuhan Virology lab also works on studying coronaviruses since the SARS outbreak.  With that said, there’s no proof it was done on purpose as that would be extremely silly of them since it’s destroying their economy just as much as everyone else’s.
2020-04-21 00:35:26 UTC
Well just like Bare Naked Ladies sang:

"Chikity China the Chinese chicken/ 

Someone ate bat soup and the world stopped ticking"
2020-04-20 17:54:19 UTC
No.  According to popular right-wing culture, China was studying the virus in a lab.  It got loose
2020-04-20 17:48:54 UTC
A lot of sources stated it came from a bat. However I won't say it did or didn't get created and released on purpose, but only being 26, I know China is not to be trusted. I don't believe anything that comes from the Chinese government.
2020-04-20 14:46:56 UTC
I don’t think so, because the virus started off with killing many Chinese people; why would China kill their own people?
2020-04-20 08:36:06 UTC
They are still investigating, although some scientists think that the virus is so similar to ones found in nature that it was not created. However, they are indeed quite reluctant to share information. When the epidemic first started, Hong Kong officials went straight to China to get DNA sequence info. on the virus and the Chinese government did not want to share it. They were less than transparent, even to people who are from China.
2020-04-19 21:55:50 UTC
Of course not! The chinese would not benefit from the coronavirus. In fact, they need the trading partners that are most affected by this horrible virus.
2020-04-19 15:53:31 UTC
No one knows. But, every major nation has a lab to weaponize virus. Canada has two. American has a least one. Europe has several. These labs have existed since 1915.
2020-04-19 15:41:39 UTC
I don't know if they did or not...but at this point, does it really matter?

I'm angry at China's communist government for suppressing the noble health care workers who tried to sound the alarm early, for not being upfront and honest with the world from the vary beginning, and for suppressing Taiwan's voice in international affairs when it is clear that Taiwan tried to tell the world what was happening when there was still time to stop it.

I'm angry at the WHO for tacitly sanctioning the misinformation the world was receiving.  

And I'm angry at my nation and the rest of the nations that dragged our (their) feet on enacting real, tangible preventative solutions.  

When we knew this was bad, and our government (not the USA) authorities were simply passing out flyers to travelers returning from areas that were struggling with the virus rather than screening them and placing them in mandatory quarantine...we were sewing the seeds for this calamity.

There's a point that I saw a meme about which makes a lot of sense: quarantine is when individuals who are ill are asked to stay home; tyranny is when individuals who are healthy are told to stay home!
2020-04-19 13:29:37 UTC
i think so but i donot claim it or proove it 
2020-04-19 12:05:03 UTC
Hmmm, I think not. It does not make sense.
2020-04-19 09:32:11 UTC
I THINK that it is kind of on purpose.... I don't know if it is from bats but if it is from bats.. it is like... 30% on purpose because WHY DO THEY IT BATS???
2020-04-19 04:42:20 UTC
it safer to eat woolworth than coles as theres secerts in being devolged about drug world through food the herion there some thing wrong with coles
2020-04-18 23:44:42 UTC
Yes and now australia has it worse thanks to tom hanks's dumbass self
2020-04-18 17:40:13 UTC
Of course not!
2020-04-18 17:32:20 UTC
I am Chinese.

Yes, we did.
2020-04-18 15:56:32 UTC
No body knows and even if someone knows we will not get the truth...
2020-04-17 23:21:07 UTC
I am praying for all Chinese and Asian people to be protected from violence. i do not believe that they did it on purpose. i believe it was a human error. 

we need to stop turning other humans into "the other". 
2020-04-17 16:27:32 UTC
Bullshit theory; that would be like shooting themselves in the foot.
2020-04-17 15:32:12 UTC
I am scared that you might sincerely believe that.
2020-04-17 15:28:49 UTC
Don't believe all the nonsense you read online.  That's twaddle.  It's a virus.  

Stop worrying and trying to place the blame on anyone.
2020-04-20 20:04:43 UTC
Actually, the coronavirus has originated in Russia
2020-04-20 18:50:59 UTC
2020-04-19 20:13:54 UTC
Short Answer,  No.

Its b/s to pin the blame on a people or a country, a virus can emerge from any where on this earth.

Viruses no know borders.  They don't discriminate either. We are all hosts for viruses to do hijack our cells and wreck havoc with our bodies. 

Is the virus supposed to fall from the sky so that we don't have to call it a racist name cos of the nation it starts from ? lets get real about this.

No country is at fault here.
2020-04-19 10:02:07 UTC
2020-04-19 04:32:54 UTC
Yes they did. Next step is proving they released it on purpose. 
2020-04-19 01:24:45 UTC
Apparently so  and now they are  going to pay the piper
2020-04-19 00:39:04 UTC
I've been following the news on this.  It seems to be trending to the idea that China was experimenting with the corona virus in bats at a Wuhan Virology lab.  The original story of people eating bats in a "wet market" held up for a while but it was soon discovered that the bats in question were from 500 miles away from Wuhan, too far for them to appear in a wet market.

The best guess is that one of the virology researchers was infected but didn't realize it because of the 14-day no-symptom time of incubation.  When the lab finally realized what was going on, they withheld the information rather than take blame for a virology accident.  And by now, the people who COULD have answered that question are pretty much all dead - of COVID-19.

The people who do genome sequencing have looked at this novel corona virus and all of them agree that it does not appear to be bio-engineered.  It is natural.  However, if China was studying it and let it out, it doesn't matter whether it was natural or man-made.  In either case it is bad news.
2020-04-18 21:19:44 UTC
2020-04-18 18:40:27 UTC
They probably did to try and lower their population. It wasn’t on purpose since their intended target was their own population.
2020-04-18 17:41:58 UTC
Dont be afraid and dont live your life in fear. Pray and always know that God is in control. The fact and the truth in the matter is that China is responsible for this virus whether bioterrorism was involved or it was an accident. China was conducting studies with this virus in bats. Ask yourself this question was it time for the virus to natural mutate? Another fact it may take thousands or million years for a virus to natural mutate. Bats are the natural reservoir of this virus. It's not suppose to be found in humans. What change led this virus to get into humans? Notice China has stopped reporting deaths. China is not telling us the whole truth. China does not like Trump. I'm not surprise if it was intentional. Dont let some of this so called doctors or scientists fool you. Do your own research. Remember at one time they didn't want everyone to wear mask saying it won't offer any protection to the people. Now they recommend everyone to wear mask. I'm also a health care professional. But do your own research. People will tell you anything to reduce hysteria. People are entitled to the truth. We all need to know the truth. China is not telling us the whole truth.  The US need to cut alll ties with China. We can make our own stuff here. Which could help with jobs. Also the US shouldn't take this lightly. This virus is killing our people. The US should give demands to China. If they dont like our demands it will be a problem. After finding a vaccine to this, I would hate to say this if China dont give in to our demands we might have to go to war.
2020-04-18 17:32:34 UTC
who knows? may be communist wants to use that to get rid of old people in China. You know, they need to pay and take good care of old people because they are following communism/socialism.. Trump's trade war kills communist's income, that is why they want to cut the expense (get rid of old people?)  communist is cold blood so they will do anything they want
2020-04-18 17:27:58 UTC
I think China did not create this on purpose because if they did they would not have lost anywhere close to the number of lives lost, and the first people who would be angry would be Wuhan residents themselves 
2020-04-18 17:09:11 UTC
At this point in time....I don’t care! I am more concerned with us getting over this than apportioning blame with half a$$ed theories when in truth no one really knows how it started, and spreading rumors of malicious intent is only going harm innocent people!

A time will come to find out where and what happened through calm headed and responsible piece by piece investigation!

Until then....shut the f**k up you neurotic moron!!!
2020-04-18 16:53:51 UTC
No - don't fall for fake news so easily!
2020-04-18 13:00:23 UTC
The Chinese government LIED to te world and the WHO stood idly by.

The Chinese Government has now come out and said its original numbers were wrong and adjusted them by over 50% upward.

To to it off the WHO says China can open its disgusting wet markets where all this started

China and the WHO broke the world and they will pay for it very heavily when this is all done. 

Countries are already starting international lawsuits and chinese trade will be heavily curtailed.
2020-04-18 12:58:41 UTC
Why would a foreign country create anything to destroy a country they depend on for their exports? And why would they invent anything that would destroy themselve in the process?  
2020-04-18 09:21:49 UTC
There is that possibility, but nobody but God knows. I don't know if there's a way anybody can know. For the sake of argument, let's say the COVID-19 was deliberately created on purpose. And let's say the coronavirus was deliberately created with the intention of killing innocent people. That would mean that whoever was responsible for the coronavirus pandemic should be charged with thousands of counts of 1st degree murder (1 count of first degree murder for each person that dies from this). 

Another possibility is that the coronavirus pandemic could be a pestilence sent from God, as a judgement because of the worldwide wickedness that's prevalent today. The fact is that people love their sin more than they love God. Those who are into eastern mysticism are worshipping idols on top of everything else.

For those who think that mother nature is getting revenge on meat eaters, and are falsely accusing meat eaters of murder, they are totally wrong. Karma is not real. Karma is just a superstition that came from eastern mystics - possibly from Hinduism or Buddhism (both are false religions). I know that eating meat did not cause the coronavirus. But militant atheist vegans who are influenced by the psychopaths at PETA are trying to exploit the coronavirus pandemic to further their agenda. And that is dead wrong.
2020-04-18 08:38:30 UTC
If the Virus was a natural virus then the Chinese Government would have nothing to hide, no need of a cover-up or threatening doctors who exposed the virus and give full information to the world But if its developed in a lab and was accidentally exposed, they have every reason to hide information and need a cover-up and threaten doctors who exposed the virus and hide information from the world So you can figure out for yourself what would be the truth here. all the hiding and cover up is proving that the virus might definitely be engineered in
Lord Percy Fawcette-Smythe.
2020-04-18 06:30:45 UTC
In the fertile mind of the average American, every country  in the world that hates the USA (thats about 99.99% of the world) has conspired to envelope the USA in this virus with the sole purpose of killing Americans. If that is what you think then think away and be happy in your tiny mind. Besides there is no such thing as Covid 19, your orange headed president said it is all a hoax. Besides worry not your beloved orange head has saved thousands of lives probably millions of thousands of lives, not quite sure how he did it but orange head says he did and he doesn't lie does he?
2020-04-17 22:51:11 UTC
They don't care one cluck about their own citizens.  They use their people for slave labor, which is why Chinese products are so cheap.
2020-04-21 23:56:52 UTC
maybe the Chinese government, but certainly not China as a whole.
2020-04-21 23:17:02 UTC
No. Because a true bio-weapon would have killed more people. COVID-19 is lame in the big picture. 
2020-04-21 15:28:29 UTC
I thought everyone already knew the answer to this by now? The answer is obviously, yes they did. 
2020-04-21 10:04:54 UTC
Here I see ground-less assumptions, which proposed by those who have abundant motivations to create them, and sensible people who clearly get less support.
2020-04-21 00:45:43 UTC
No. That's been debunked, you idiots. What is the actual matter with some of you? Fact check. Try fact checking. Try that instead of gulping down whatever moldy semen-laced nonsense flies at your face. 
2020-04-20 22:26:06 UTC
all we have are suspicions about this virus. what is of high probability though is that world war III may have started, and it's not all guns and bombs like we're used to. the new age of warfare is here, biological and cyber. 
2020-04-20 11:20:32 UTC
I know it’s tempting to be drawn to conspiracy theories but realistically, this is not feasible and would not make sense.  Indeed, if you knew how viruses like this worked, you’d know that this is not the case. Whether China should take some responsibility for the harm caused by their bad hygiene practices, however, is another question. 
2020-04-19 20:32:20 UTC
I can still see in my mind north korean leader Kim with President of China standing together and Kim saying we have a present for you coming your way.
2020-04-19 20:20:30 UTC
No I don't think so 
2020-04-19 20:16:19 UTC
No, there is no Corona, it is all FAKE
2020-04-19 13:58:03 UTC
It's fairly easy to tell a natural virus from a man made one. There is no indication at all that this particular virus was  constructed or altered in a lab. 
2020-04-19 08:57:58 UTC
No. You can find the corona virus family of viruses (there's a bunch of different corona virus, this one is called Covid19, but there are a bunch) in the wild, mostly in wild populations of animals. Yes, there are corona virus in labs, but they weren't "created" there. This has been confirmed as a strain of wild corona, not a man made altered version. 
2020-04-19 05:02:44 UTC
Nope. Came from animals. Transmissioned from wet markets. there is physical evidence stfu 
gabriel b
2020-04-19 04:08:51 UTC
My guess is that they did.
2020-04-19 02:54:22 UTC
US Army brought infected blankets to China..... just like the Indians
2020-04-19 02:06:52 UTC
they are responsible for those deaths none the less cause they and the WHO lied from november to january 26th
2020-04-18 17:25:17 UTC
no.  they did not 
2020-04-18 16:58:09 UTC
its unlikely since the chinese copy everything.
2020-04-17 22:48:44 UTC
They don't care one cluck about their own citizens.  They use their people for slave labor, which is why Chinese products are so cheap.
2020-04-17 21:55:28 UTC
I have no doubt that at least some aspects of this pandemic were intentional.
2020-04-21 23:22:52 UTC
More likely islamic forces (not middle eastern, but islamic) cooperated with them to possibly impose their ideology and tyranny on others as much as possible.
2020-04-21 07:20:15 UTC
Not sure whether it was done on purpose but Chinese people are skanks. 

1. Spanish Flu2. MERS3. SARS4. Swine Flu5. Corona VirusWhich flus originated from China? Here's a hint. ALL FREAKIN FIVE !! !
2020-04-21 06:45:18 UTC
How can you be so insensitive? The Chinese are definitely some of the nicest people I've met. Yes, some of them can be rude and spit in the streets, but the majority of them are simply stereotyped this way. And think about it, why would the Chinese government infect their own people? Damn you racist
Data Checker
2020-04-20 19:57:21 UTC
Typical theory supported by no scientific or U.S. intelligence agencies promulgated by Republican propagandists.
2020-04-20 02:56:07 UTC
I've always felt like it was because of the bats.
Izaak H
2020-04-20 02:55:10 UTC
The Chinese are not stupid.  The stability of the Chinese government is founded on a thriving economy.  They wouldn't risk damaging their greatest asset.  Many countries experiment with biological warfare, so it could have been an accidental release.  
2020-04-19 23:52:10 UTC
No China didnt create a virus good grief. If this happened in the uk nobody would be talking about it. 
2020-04-19 15:59:00 UTC
Yeah it comes from Wuhan bio weapon lab. 
2020-04-19 11:58:11 UTC
Do you really think they do that?
2020-04-19 03:55:38 UTC
The corona-virus happened to start in China, but Chinese people aren't making it on purpose.
2020-04-19 00:19:01 UTC
No, it's a naturally occurring virus. 
2020-04-18 18:50:22 UTC
Wel when they threw the first body over the wall in the 1300-1700s they began a couple of plagues.  

china is filthy dirty cutting chicken no washing, no good facilities and blood running down the gutter into floor drains.  its gross
2020-04-18 18:20:19 UTC
I don't think we should worry so much about the Chinese State creating viruses as a germ warfare tool, more what malevolent political groups within China might do.

For example, one theory doing the rounds, on the present Covid 19 has it that the Virus jumped from a Bat to another animal which then infected a human being, who set of a chain reaction we know as Covid 19.

Given time Covid 19 will be vanquished by a vaccine, but the dark damp Batcave where it came from is still there in China amongst thousands of other caves. 

Here's the rub, a leading virologist has stated in these caves there are Viruses many times more dangerous than Covid 19, in the Bats, just waiting for the right animal to jump into and infect ? 

The next event is animal to human and now played out as mass extinction at any time anywhere and everywhere.
2020-04-18 16:08:09 UTC
In a 1981 book ( the eyes of darkness) there is a chapter that talks of Wuhan-400, a virus being developed to mimic the flu but causing the same symptoms as we see today.  They even say in it that it will be released just before 2020 and will remain forever like the flu and other viruses and it will be released again 10 later, that the scientist that helped created it did so with weakened protein attachment so it does not stay gaining momentum permanently (something the doctors just discovered this week), it has cross-linked human and animal abilities, that the dr Li Chen was on the development team, he brought it and half a dozen other bio strains.  It talks about how they were meant for economic as well as population control tools and bio-warfare weapons and given to the US government in exchange for him getting asylum and working on the strains to perfect them.  Li Chen wanted to "return" it to China when they became too much of an economic power.  Guess where it popped up? China.  This was written about 2 decades ago and in great detail about the virus.  I suggest people look it up.  This same message about wuhan-400 is mentioned by a psychic called sylvia brown in a book and in her personal appearances and other famous people as well.  Is it possible these people spoke up about these so identical knew something about this virus back then?  And if they did then it is Not a natural virus.  They had so much detail that was the same about the virus, when and where it would pop up, what it would do, how it would affect us, etc.
Chetta Atkins
2020-04-18 15:00:47 UTC
Neither the government of the People's Republic of China nor any private Chinese institution created this virus. You can consult recent reports by Dr. Robert Shafer, Professor of Infectious Diseases at Stanford Medical School, to verify this. The virus probably jumped from bats to humans, perhaps via pangolins in an animal market context. This is similar to the way SARS (another coronavirus) jumped from bats to human, perhaps in an animal market context, in the early 2000s. Or like MERS in 2012, which seems to have jumped from bats to camels, and then from camels to humans. MERS causes a mild cold in camels, but can cause a serious illness in humans. It is most likely that covid-19 is no different. There is no evidence for Donald Trump's insinuations about an origin as a biological weapon or malicious intent by China. Trump is using these conspiracy theories to trick and distract the uneducated American populace from his administration's incompetent response to this pandemic. Don't be taken in by this con man.
2020-04-18 09:01:37 UTC
No, but, their culture, and environment likely caused it to happen.  By accident, but, probably a preventable one.
2020-04-18 07:24:37 UTC
Perhaps, but Shijinping will be dangerous, very dangerous.
2020-04-18 06:34:26 UTC
Have been told its DNA is chaotic as if it evolved in nature and not structured like it would be if artificial.  I'm no scientist though and have no direct knowledge.

But I do wonder if it was a naturally occurring disease, being studied in the infectious disease research center in Wuhan and escaped.  Likely scenario is some staff member was accidentally infected and spread it to the market down the road.

The problem is that China kept it quiet and when it became known, they insisted it was under control and refused outside help until suddenly it was not just an outbreak but a calamity.

Thanks, China.
2020-04-18 04:51:26 UTC
Since there is no valid evidence on this, we can't blame anyone. Until we find the first patient and the root cause, we can't blame any country for this pandemic.
2020-04-18 00:50:39 UTC
I think they did. Well, that’s what I heard 
2020-04-23 06:23:30 UTC
If you believe that China made the virus on purpose, you have no IQ. Write your question up on Google and see the truth for yourself
2020-04-23 01:41:13 UTC
It was Trump so he could seize power.
2020-04-22 07:37:06 UTC
A recent investigation proves that Coronavirus did not originate in a lab. It was shown that COVID-19 had links to other animal-caused viruses, enough to classify it as animal sourced.
2020-04-21 15:27:21 UTC
True like "some guy ate a bat" and now we should all be on house arrest? Bullshit scam.
2020-04-21 10:31:27 UTC
If it is made by the Chinese, why did it erupt in China first, and the Chinese are not stupid
2020-04-20 06:59:51 UTC
The virus came from bats sold at China's wild animal markets.  
2020-04-19 23:51:12 UTC
Guys, are you crazy? China did not create the coronavirus to attack America. They did not “create” it at all. In fact, the coronavirus is not something new to the world. There have been thousands of coronaviruses before, this one just happens to be especially contagious. Someone in Wuhan, China ate an animal that was carrying the disease and it got transferred to them, and then to someone else, and it kept spreading. It should have been dealt with earlier, but the world denied that COVID-19 was a serious problem. This is not the Chinese’s fault. That’s just flat-out racist.
2020-04-19 14:33:15 UTC
 no - the US created it so trump the chump could claim china did
2020-04-19 13:51:52 UTC
Yes, as a biological weapon. That understood, they are "playing it up" for political theater.
2020-04-19 04:43:30 UTC
Yes because they are racist 
2020-04-19 02:42:52 UTC
I have k ow doubt, can’t trust the Communist Chinese. Their devils!!!
2020-04-19 02:15:58 UTC
Probably. They seem pretty happy about it
2020-04-18 23:55:59 UTC
IT IS INDEED FROM CHINA. but i do also believe that it is not on purpose. it just happened that it got out beyond anyones control. and now the world is suffering from it. 
2020-04-18 22:38:50 UTC
most likely yes
2020-04-18 20:32:32 UTC
My understanding is the Chinese spread it with bats.
2020-04-18 15:34:52 UTC
It's looking like it did. It looks like China wants to get Trump out of the White House and replace him with someone like Biden who is China-friendly. Unfortunately, China's interference in the 2020 El might be what costs Trump re-election. 
2020-04-18 15:02:45 UTC
I also think so.
2020-04-18 13:40:09 UTC
No the deep state created the corona virus. . It was a test to find out how they can control and manipulate people.  It was stratigeck to plant the corona virus  in China .  The deep state is real they created the black lives matter movement and also the feminist movement . 
2020-04-18 08:42:01 UTC
So the coronavirus has been around for thousands, if not millions, of years. The reason it is harmful is because it has recently developed. It is not China who let it spread on purpose! Many people are quick to assume that they spread it, but haven't you taken a moment to realise that travellers in the US and UK who went to China on holiday and came back with the virus unknowingly spread it? Needless to say, you cannot blame a country for spreading a virus that they did not know about. Also, it is not helping their economy as they have to spend lots of money to help people. If they created and spread this virus on purpouse, they would have and give vaccines to their people so that they could work and boost the economy whilst other countries suffer. But they aren't. It's simply ignorant to think that a single country wanted to wreak havoc into the world like this.
2020-04-18 07:15:59 UTC
No. They bought it from the USA but they lost control of it in a lab and now it's running wild
2020-04-23 18:40:26 UTC
That is a complete lie, China didn't release the coronavirus on purpose.

They are suffering too, so it is not intentionally their fault.
2020-04-19 19:16:53 UTC
i heard a rumor that it was being manufactured in a Chinese lab possibly as a bio weapon, and it got out to the public by accident. then they made up a cover story about the bat so no one would find out about the bio weapon. and who knows if it really was an accident that it got out, and if the Chinese planned to use this weapon anytime soon. but rumor or fact, it does. not. warrant. racism!
2020-04-19 12:49:38 UTC
No. They didn't even create it. No one created it. It evolved.
2020-04-19 01:24:07 UTC
innocent are different .Why labs?You may try through pschycological test !!so the doubt is at work.
2020-04-18 23:08:01 UTC
I don't think that created on purpose unless it was going to be as a weapon that got out of hand.
2020-04-18 21:06:14 UTC
These kinds of pandemics happen roughly every century (not EXACTLY 100 years but around that time give or take a few years).  Around 1720 there was the plague, 1820 cholera, 1920 Spanish flu.  We were due for another one.  This virus just watched and waited until it got strong enough to combat modern medicine.  Once we come up with something to get rid of this, things will die down and in about 100 years our descendants will have to go through this all over again.
2020-04-18 20:24:10 UTC
Ont really, But We are waiting for the true news. 
2020-04-18 17:38:02 UTC
Apparently it was because someone ate a bat that had a disease closely related to coronavirus. But in December the Chinese told the US to expect a Christmas gift. Its a bit of a coincidence that it started in China and they are the first ones to supposedly have a cure 

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.