Why do people make a big deal about holocaust?
2020-01-07 05:18:04 UTC
More christians died in WW2, than Jews by far. The russians lost about 20 million people, who suffered horribly. What makes the 6 million who died in the holocaust different. Jewish people make such a big deal out of it, everyone else got over it. 
Twelve answers:
2020-01-07 23:44:48 UTC
Yes, war is bad.  But, the systematic extermination of particular sorts of people (including the Jews) is particularly bad.
2020-01-07 18:41:53 UTC
Everyone else that wasn't a Jew, a Romany, a homosexual or mentally or physically handicapped and deemed unfit to live, died as a natural consequence of war in general - death in battle of military, death of civilians as collateral damage from the fighting, and disease and famine by military and civilians alike.

Yes, they died, and in larger numbers, but what makes it different and the difference is HUGE - and it's very sad that you don't understand it - is that the Jews and Romany and homosexuals and the infirm deemed by the Nazis not worthy of life were systematically captured and exterminated, with the intent of wiping them from the face of the earth. The Jews lost the largest numbers in this mass extermination. The reason it is kept alive is because the cry of the survivors was (and still is) Never Again!

Unfortunately, you seem to be in the ever-growing number of people who don't care, and when that happens, these things will happen again.
2020-01-07 18:19:40 UTC
The Christians who died in WWII mostly died because of war.  They were soldiers or civilians who got caught in the crossfire.  The holocaust was different.  It was the deliberate and systematic murder of noncombatant civilians because of their racial/ethnic identity.
2020-01-07 17:48:15 UTC
Because of the methodical way they were killed in death camps which were constructed for one purpose to exterminate mean women and children not combatants but innocent men, women and children. They sorted them out and killed the weakest immediately and used the other to help run the camp or to do horrible medical experiments on and to use as prostitutes. The took all of their belongings and even pulled out the teeth with gold in them. Now if you cannot see the horror in that then you will never understand what man's inhumanity to man means. The Germans had created one of the greatest civilizations the world has ever seen with Beethoven, Mozart and Hayden, Duer and Grunewald, and other great scientists and artists and then to sink to such depths of depravity is unimaginable. You might expect some primitive people to do such things but no primitive people would. If mankind can do such things are we truly the noble animals that we think we are or are we the basest of creatures?  That is the question that I asked myself when I learned the details of what they did. 
2020-01-07 15:36:57 UTC
And it was 15 Million civilians murdered by the Nazis and 6 million  were Jews so hitler could steal their God teeth gold, paintings silver and Bank accounts after the Enabling act stole their German citizenship later expanded to all occupied Reich land 

The Gas chamber at Auschwitz was destroyed by the Russians and the Bricks and timber was out in the Open for 50 years, of course, there was nothing to Find after the Gaschamber was Rebuilt from SS plans using the Old Bricks It is a facsimile

the operational Gas chamber is still intact at Dachau

The claims of deniers are grounded in flawed research, biased statements, and, in some cases, deliberately falsified evidence. Courts of law have also rejected Holocaust denial claims Fred A. Leuchter, Cole and David Irving all found Guilty of Lying under oathIrving's neo-Nazi views were very publicly exposed in 1996 when he sued Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Books for calling him a Holocaust denier, leading to a £2million High Court case which he lost.

Rudolf hoss was charged with the deaths of 3.5 million people he said No No only 2.5 million including 1.2 million Jews or is Hoss a liar  he was in charge

The support of the German people No One stopped him when he got the enabling act to make laws without parliament he took citizenship from Jews and No One said anything their silence was taken as permission to murder anyone they wanted Hitler needed a scapegoat to Reunite all germans to one cause Deutschland über alles, which resulted in Deutschland ünter alles, This is how he did it and from 1933 to 1945 who was going to stop him? There was Nothing good in this the Holocaust Usually refers to Nazi Germany where Hitler had 6 million Jews and 9 million other Civilians murdered in death camps

Here are 22 Known Death camps please try and Prove anyone was Not, Or prove they never existed there were 25,000 camps in the Reich Transit camps Labor camps Prison camp and death camps Operation Reinhard Transit Camps: They Were Death Camps | Holocaust Denial on Trial do not challenge me I have put up the Challenge you prove them wrong or never existed if you cant then shut up dont Challenge me to prove anything No Death camps No Cholera or Typhus and 15 Million civilians would not have died

1.Auschwitz–Birkenau,Poland 2.5 Million including 1.2 Million JewsDr. Johann Kremer witnessing the gassing of victims at Birkenau

2.Bełżec, Poland 600,000 Jews

3.Bergen-Belsen, Nazi Germany 50,000 on Liberation day there was 13,000 corpses Not burried

4.Chełmno, Nazi Germany 180,000

5.Dachau, Nazi Germany 43,000 died

6.Gross-Rosen, Poland 40,000

7,Koldichevo, Belarus 22,000

8.Majdanek, Poland 60,000

9.Mauthausen, Austria 90,000

10.Natzweiler/Struthof, France 20,000

11.Neuengam, Nazi Germany 55,000

12.Plaszow, Poland 80,000 most in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

13.Sobibor, Poland 250,000, the majority being Jews.

14.Stutthof, Danzig Poland 65.000

15.Theresienstadt, Czech Republic

16.Treblinka, Poland 1,000,000 Jews Murdered here

17.Sajmiste in Serbia, 23,000

18. Logor Jasenovac in Serbia, 800.000

19.Maly Trostenets in the USSR, 206,000

20.Janowska, in Ukraine 40,000

21.Gornija Rijeka

22.Jasenovac was Croatia’s largest death camp. And the worst in WW2 they Murdered some 700,000 serbs and the Bodies were thrown in the RiverAuschwitz, Majdanek, and Jasenovac were retrofitted with Zyklon-B gas chambers and crematoria buildings as the time went on, remaining operational until war's end in 1945 these were all the Camps in Croatia

Jadovno concentration camp Jasenovac concentration camp Sisak children's concentration camp Stara Gradiška concentration camp Lobor concentration camp Sajmiste concentration camp was run by the GermansTenja concentration camp

These sites were used to test the best way of exterminating People and Zyclon B was chosen as the best all from their own Mouths and Documentation and those that refuse to believe need Psychiatric help or are Closet Nazis it was called Operation Reinhard the designer of the Final solution

Bełżec 600,000 deaths

Sobibór 250,000 deaths

Treblinka 900,000 deaths

Lublin/Majdanek 130,000 deaths all from the German?

Nazi records Poles 3 million +Yugoslavians 1.5 million +Gypsies 200,000 – 500,000 Mentally/Physically Disabled70,000- 250,000Homosexuals Tens of thousands Spanish Republicans Tens of thousandsJehovah's Witnesses 2,500 – 5,000Boy and Girl Scouts, Clergy, Communists, Czechs, Deportees, Greeks, Political Prisoners, Other POWs, Resistance Fighters, Serbs, Socialists, Trade Unionists, Others UnknownThe six million figure used in the Jewish death toll is an estimate for total lives lost.

These Jewish lives were taken by a number of groups, not just Nazis.The six million figure includes Jewish lives lost in other countries as well, not just Germany, and by the various modes of killing, not just camp deaths. Ukrainian deaths were due to Russian and Nazi perpetrators alike, some killed on "acquired" German soil, others killed on Russian soil, some killed outright, others  worked or starved to death.

The total Murdered By the Nazis in WW2 was 15 Million including the 6 million JewsThe Nazi Euthanasia Centre at Bernburg operated from 21 November 1940 to 30 July 1943 in a separate wing of the State Sanatorium and Mental Hospital Bernburg on the River Saale  It was one of several euthanasia centres run by the Nazis under their official "Euthanasia Programme", later referred to after the war as Action T4.

A total of 9,384 sick and handicapped people from 33 welfare institutions and nursing homes as well as around 5,000 prisoners from six concentration camps were killed here in a gas chamber using carbon monoxide gas.

Each extermination camp operated differently, yet each had designs for quick and efficient industrialized killing. While Höss was away on an official journey in late August 1941 his deputy, Karl Fritzsch, tested out an idea. At Auschwitz clothes infested with lice were treated with crystallised prussic acid.The crystals were made to order by the IG Farben Dupont chemicals company for which the brand name was Zyklon-B.

Once released from their container, Zyklon-B crystals in the air released a lethal cyanide gas. Fritzch tried out the effect of Zyklon B on Soviet POWs, who were locked up in cells in the basement of the bunker for this experiment.

Höss on his return was briefed and impressed with the results and this became the camp strategy for extermination as it was also to be at Majdanek. Besides gassing, the camp guards continued killing prisoners via mass shooting, starvation and torture

The first period of operation in Belzec and Sobibor lasted about three months, in Treblinka five weeks. After this initial phase, those holding key positions in Operation Reinhard decided to introduce "improvements" into the camps so as to increase their extermination capacity.

This decision was brought on by Himmler's order of July 19, 1942 that all the Jews in the General Government, with a few exceptions, were to be eradicated by the end of that year.

The main problem was finding a way to speed up the extermination procedure, i.e., increasing the absorption capacity of the gas chambers.

Belzec was the first camp in which large gas chambers were built.

The old wooden structure containing the three gas chambers was demolished, and on the same spot a larger, strong building was erected, which was 24 m. Iong and 10 m. wide. It contained six gas chambers. Statements differ as to their size; they fluctuate between 4 x 4 m. and 4 x 8 m. The new gas chambers were completed in mid July. (StA Munich 1, AZ: 22 Js 68/61, pp. 2602, 2613.)

No Death camps No Cholera or Typhus  and is something we must never Forget if you can't prove any of this wrong then dont give me thumbs down

Remember "Aktion T4" project. = extermination the summer of 1941,

Rudolf Höss, the commandant of Auschwitz, received orders from Heinrich Himmler to begin experimenting with Zyklon B gas. On 3 September 1941, the Auschwitz deputy camp commandant Karl Fritzsch experimented on 600 Russian prisoners of war and 250 Polish inmates by gathering them in the basement of Block 11 and gassing them with Zyklon B.

In October 1941 the Nazis began turning the concentration camp at Majdanek into a death camp as well. They then began the construction of killing centres at Bełżec, Treblinka, near Warsaw, and at Sobibór.

The first mass gassing of Jews began in Chelmno on 8 December 1941, when the Nazis used gas vans to murder people from the Łódź ghetto. The Nazis also ordered the expansion of the Auschwitz camp complex to increase the capacity for murder. Consequently six ‘factories of death’ were created in eastern Europe.

when Brought to trial Rudolf hoss was charged with Murdering 3.5 Million people he shouted No! No! only 2.3 million including 1.2 million Jews
2020-01-07 09:40:32 UTC
If your family was beaten, starved and then marched into an oven i guess that would not seem bad to you,i lost a relative to one of hitler's helll holes, she was a journalist working in berlin when the war started, she was english and would not stop speaking up abut hiter's regime, she was imprisoned, raped and tourtured and finally taken out one day and put on a train to god knows where, none of the family heard from her again.
2020-01-07 08:49:54 UTC
Some people in this world are just plain ignorant and you seem to be one of them.
2020-01-07 06:26:11 UTC
The Holocaust (spelled with the uppercase "H") is strictly a Jewish event that perpetually maintains their status of "Aristocrats of the world" - "Aristocrats" defined as "above and better than everyone else".

There are special problems with this concept and the way they peddle it. To claim aristocracy, they would have to have something significant to support such a status - a sacred bloodline. The Jews associated with the "Holocaust" are anything but part of the unspoiled bloodline.

If being "part" Jewish by virtue of marriage outside the bloodline then we all would be in line to share in the Promise Land, since marriages have extended beyond the sacred bloodline for centuries.

But the reason for the "6 million claim" (⬅note the word 'claim') is that the Zionists who profess to be the ambassadors for the Jews are nothing more than political thugs who use the Jews they claim to represent as tools to justify their own existence. They feed off of sympathy and will go out of their way to cause persecutions to get it.

Case-in-point: March 24, 1933. The headlines of the Daily Express read, "Jews Declare War On Germany!". This was done by the Zionists in America who were a safe distance from the problems they caused the Jews in Germany.

They made an attempt to populate Palestine in the years before the war because they were handed the rights by Britain after maneuvering the United States into WW1. However, even though they held rights to Palestine, Palestine didn't legally belong to them - it belonged to the Arabs that Britain cheated during WW1 in a deal they reneged on.

It was because of this phony deal that the British Mandate locked the doors of Palestine to Jewish immigration during the war. The Zionists, in the meantime, did nothing to help their brethren.

The "6 million" number had been established long before the war broke out, although for other reasons. Nonetheless, it was recycled for purposes of soliciting sympathy.

There are a lot of reasons these facts aren't supported, including the lack of understanding that most people have between Zionism and Judaism. They're taught to believe they're one-and-the-same. They understand the American concept of a separation between church and state, yet, when it comes to this, they're suddenly dumbfounded and blindsided by the threat of being labeled "antisemitic".

Modern-day "antisemitism" is a Zionist concept used to censor those who criticize them. All of the events surrounding the war were political in nature, not religious. Criticism of what happened is criticism of politics, not ethnicity. Even when the word "Jews" is used, it is directed at a political event, and not religious.

 The only one who claim that the German Jews were being persecuted for reasons of ethnicity are the ones who promote the actions of the Zionists. Prior to Kristallnacht (November 9, 10 1938), the Nazi policies toward Jews had been primarily nonviolent. After the assassination of German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by a Polish Jew, the proverbial straw was broken, and the Jews started being rounded up en masse. And again, we're talking about a political event.

The American Zionists may not have been responsible for this one directly, but they had spent the previous 5 years setting the stage and the German Jews were thrown under the bus because of it.

Once you understand the power and influence these political criminals wield, how they are able to pull such a thing off becomes obvious.

For the record, although I am all the time accused of the contrary, I am not antisemitic - I do not condemn the Jews. I expose those who use the Jews as tools to further their own agenda. This especially includes the ones who call me antisemitic when 1) they don't fully understand what the term means, and 2) they support the very ones who fraudulently claim to be representatives of the Jews.
2020-01-07 06:21:47 UTC
Anti-semitic nonsense.

Edited to add:Dave (aka Hour Glass) you seem very upset by the phrase "Aristocrats of the world." You have, of course, got it wrong - it seems to have used in the 19th century by non Jews, and did not mean people who thought themselves "above and better than everyone else," but as quoted by George Eliot in her novel "Daniel Deronda" "because you have suffered so much." No one is claiming a 'sacred bloodline" just a heritage of suffering that no one would want to share.

You claim "the Zionists" "go out of their way to cause persecutions" - this is a very serious accusation.

You will, of course be able to produce examples of Zionists deliberately causing the persecution of Jews?

The headline you quote from the Daily Express is certainly not an example of Zionists 'causing persecution.' It refers to the attempt of some Jews outside Germany - certainly not supported by all Zionists - to draw attention to persecution that was already happening in Germany by boycotting German goods and services. Hitler immediately responded with a boycott on Jewish businesses, reinforced by violence on the part of his Brown Shirts - did Hitler 'declare war on the Jews'? - he had certainly started to persecute them as soon as he seized power.

You then say that "the Zionists" were 'handed the rights [to Palestine]" by Britain after WW1. They were not.

You say the British Mandate 'locked the doors of Palestine to Jewish immigration during the way' - Jews were being deprived of their passports as early as 1938, and all Jews were forbidden to leave Germany in 1941 so they had no chance of going anywhere.

And are you seriously claiming that German Jews were NOT persecuted 'for reasons of ethnicity' - you know perfectly well that the Nuremberg Laws of 1935 which stripped Jews of their citizens' rights - including the right to vote, the right to marry "Aryans", the right to follow their professions - were aimed at Jews - who were defined as people with three or more Jewish grandparents. Religion only came into it if a 'Mischling' - a mixed race person was an observant Jew. in which case s/he lost his or her rights as well.

So what in heaven's name are you talking about? the latter part of your answer, from "There are a lot of reasons..." DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. How is stripping a man of his citizen's rights if he has three or more Jewish grand parents 'political'? how?

Now, you say that Nazi policies towards Jews had been primarily non violent before Kristallnacht - well - apart from the activities of the Brown Shirts, whom you completely ignore. But anti Jewish legislation, by 1938, excluded Jews from the professions, from universities, from "cinema, theatre, concerts, exhibitions, beaches and holiday resorts", plus the Nuremberg Laws... and in 1938 Hitler had ordered the deportation of German Jews who also had Polish citizenship, who were taken from their homes, allowed to take a single suitcase each, driven through the streets where their fellow citizens shouted at them to 'Go back to Palestine" and dumped on the Polish border with nowhere to go - that is what led the teenage son of two deportees to shoot a German official - in the hope that people outside Germany would at last realise how bad things had got.

And you say "the proverbial straw was broken" as if the Jews of Germany had been a problem for years instead of the persecution being all on Hitler's side.

And yes, Jews were rounded up - provided that they were male, and young enough to work. The government wanted them for forced labour.

And the arrests followed the horrors or Kristallnacht - Hitler's first progrom

And yes, you are anti-semitic. Don't be ridiculous.
2020-01-07 05:51:17 UTC
The holocaust was one of the largest cases of genocide that was targeted specifically towards specific people groups. It wasn’t just Jews. It was Jews, Russians, Polish, gays, and gypsies along with other smaller groups. The Jews are simply the most well-known. 
2020-01-07 11:47:44 UTC
You're wrong. Go to Poland and ask them if they've gotten over it. The Russians remember it very well.

But the Russians have their own dirty secrets they'd rather not talk about, and the Poles were more than a little complicit with the Nazis. No one ever wanted to listen to the Gypsies, and the gays who were killed were just 'worthless', so no one wanted to listen to them either. You really need to study WWII, rather than just spout opinions.
2020-01-07 05:19:04 UTC
Please take this trash elsewhere.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.