Are Germans still evil and cruel, have they changed their views?
2016-07-24 11:25:34 UTC
Has it been enough time for the people to completely change their views? The Nazi's were Germans, the German people became Nazi soldiers and followed Hitler. Hitler was German. Why can't Germans take responsibility for their actions? It wasn't too long ago, most Germans have grandparents that were Nazi's.

I believe the German president already said it was Germanys fault for starting two world wars, and took responsibility for the holocaust which killed 6 million people. The two wars killed over 70 million people. (The worlds pop. was only 2.3 billion)

They chose him to lead their country and agreed with everything he said they weren't forced to elect him as dictator. They lived very pleasant lives while the Jews were being starved, gassed, hanged, burned to death, dismembered, experimented on like lab rats, etc. They were very sadistic. Probably the cruelest people in the history of our planet. Should we trust them with having such a powerful army and economy? What if they start WW3?

Their military is nothing compared to the US military, but is it possible for them to start WW3?
66 answers:
2016-07-26 03:08:47 UTC
I don't believe Germans as a whole nationality could ever be considered evil and cruel. They have had very dark days throughout history and many people Germans in the past have supported evil regimes.

With that said, try not to forget about the likes of the Scholl siblings who were executed for peaceful protest against the Nazi regime, Oskar Schindler, Hans Oster, West German reparations to Israel before they were boycotted by other nations, some splinter cells within the German army and the foreign office that still operated in other countries due to persecutions at home, as well as the likes of Julius Leber who helped the German Resistance against the ruling party during the war.

Also keep in mind that many Germans didn't know about the Holocaust until towards the end of the war. They assumed that people seen by the Nazi Party were just being deported. Today, Germany has come a long way and is now a very progressive nation.
2016-07-24 13:10:07 UTC
No. Their views are different now, and they mostly think like all other people in Europe.

Most Germans are decent people, as decency is how every person survives in the modern world, even if they are in a war zone. Any "evil and cruel" Germans out there are just a small part of the population, and they can have many other reasons other than fascism or bigotry (such as robbery, vandalism, gangsterism, etc.) like everyone else.

The Germans back then chose Hitler out of desperation, as life in their country worsened under an economic crisis. Any other leaders who might had arose back then would have been either weakling Weimars, doubtful democrats, or loathsome communist pawns of Stalin's cruel empire, so Hitler would be much more convincing for them. Like those failed alternatives, not every German back then supported Hitler, and many Germans today do not support him or his methods either.

For them to actually begin World War III, another dictator should have usurped their government using some army of his/her own, and then use his/her army to force the Germans to obey him/her.

But even then, the German people and armed forces will put aside their differences, and stop that dictator, if it actually happens. Many have already seen the troubles of the 40's, and even now are already threatened by terrorism and immigrant crime, that they will not allow their way of life and their freedoms to be lost to any dictator.
Timothy Perseus Wordsworthe
2016-07-25 21:57:22 UTC
Less than 10% were Party Members, just like not many Chinese and

Russians were Party members. Party Membership is an exclusive club with as many strict requirements as benefits.

But 90% were silent. It was only Deidricht Bonhoeffer and his underground church which resisted.

I think that right now the Germans are a wounded and hurt people. They are as scarred as many others are over the War, over the Wars. They are as hurt, or more.

Some diehard Neo-Nazis and skinheads exist, but yes most Germans are homogeonous with Europe's European culture as a whole. In fact most Germans strongly abhor and regret and feel a stuffed-up weird burdened guilt over the whole thing. They try to quash Nazi-like isdeas and behavior wherever they find them.

Of course Germans have a particular culture and personality/mentality inherent to them. Efficient and hardworking and wound-up-tight and all that. They, like Japanese, British, French, Russian, Italian, Chinese, and any nationality Ethnicity have a particular bent and personality and culture. I am not so sure that who my grandfather was does not somewhat genetically transfer to my personal disposition, you know.

Germany has a lot of darkness, a lot of pain. A lot of stuff comes up to the surface, often after having been shoved deep deep down inside and buried first. Germany is special in its own special way. And they are a hurt, abused, and troubled people, like many others.

Germans can be the kind of people who have the lightweight and trivial thinks very much taken care of yet the deepest and most heart-ful-heart centered grippingly painful and serious internal issues unresolved and spiraling. Some people are deep, and some are shallow. Germany can be such that it has the deep, profound, internal very serious issues in need of transformation. Jesus has it.

They were on the losing side of two world wars, the first one wrongfully, the second one rightfully. And You know what, it isn't the great great great grandkid's fault but the have suffered for it anyway and it is really tough and rough and we need to love them and respect them.

They need Jesus. Everyone needs Jesus, but they need Jesus. And only Jesus can heal them from the inside out. They need it, everyone needs it.

I have also noticed that anyone obsessed with Germany and germans and speaking german has a negativity and messed-up-ness about them and it is just what I have seen. It isn't okay and I am not saying that oh woe is everyone let it all slide because they were hurt. No, I have never met a deeply German person, family, or wannabe German who wasn't seriously in the wrong and frankly a very nasty person underneath the good-looking facade.

It is a complex issue, take it as it is. Jesus is the answer.

Europe be blessed in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
2016-07-25 01:49:26 UTC
Germans are not still cruel. It is now a modern country that knows it has a past. In the thirties and forties not all Germans were evil and cruel. They know they have the guilt of what happened and know it must not happen again. Their are some far right political groups but they are kept in check. Germany is in the European Union too and Europe is peaceful.
2016-07-24 11:37:24 UTC
I think you're painting a rather simplistic picture of the Germans back then. Not all Germans supported him. (And he was not elected dictator; go and read about how he actually got into power.) And even those who did support him didn't exactly know what all his intentions were. Most of them were just desperate people who wanted someone to fix things. A lot like today's situation with Trump. I think the number of really sadistic Germans was probably not all that high...though certainly enough to carry out his orders. Still, there was definitely a pronounced dark side to the German soul. (Not unlike Americans today, as I'm reminded when I see the crowd at the RNC shouting "Lock her up!".)
2016-07-24 16:10:47 UTC
Adinhauer was German went to prison for speaking out AGAINST hitler

please dont assume all Germans were Nazis the Roman catholic Priests still in Dachau proved that

the Germans Born after 1945 are Nothing Like the Germans born before WW2

I had many Girlfriends in Germany when i was there after WW2 and they had the same dreams needs and sesires as we British Have one thing that was certain they were Glad we occupied their part of Gernamy and not the Rausians

Most Germans WW2 were Not Nazis Like Most east Germans were Not Stazi

and there were More Non Communists in the USSR than communists
2016-07-25 05:06:12 UTC
I am an American living in Germany and I can assure you Germans imo are actually much kinder and modest than Americans. They are all very nice to me and every American I know, despite the fact we are foreign (go to France on vacation and you'll see how mean some people are to Americans overseas). In fact it's considered very rude to mention Nazis or Hitler or anything of the sort...the Germans feel just as bad about it as the rest of the world. Keep in mind much of the population wasn't even alive when Nazi Germany existed.

I thought I'd add this in because Americans seem to have a very warped view of Germany since all they know is what they read in history books. Germany is arguably more technologically advanced than the US. Many places and people are very modern. I've had people ask me if there are cars in Germany...Germany is one of the biggest luxury car manufacturers. Germany is also one of the most economically stable countries in Europe. Please educate yourself before speaking
2016-07-27 00:27:10 UTC
Today you could use the following words to describe the German people:

1. Weak 6. Refusal to stand up against anything

2. Stupid 7. Liberal

3. Foolish 8. No threat of any kind

4 Morons 9. They have a woman President who is a maniac

5. Pro gay 10. Germany should be 52% Arab in about 5 years
2016-07-25 02:40:13 UTC
Nazi means national socialist.

ALL people who self-identify as left wing, and who think the connections between socialism and Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Mengistu, Saddam ("Arab Baath Socialist Party") were just some kind of mysterious coincidence, are just as deluded, cruel and dangerous as the German Nazis.

To deny this is to deny that there's any connection between socialism and all its mass killings.

For example, even today socialists believe that capitalism - and therefore human freedom - is evil and exploitative, that there are too many people, and rights are whatever the govt says they are.

They are still causing mass political killings, for example the mass killings in the name of biofuels and global warming. Hilary Clinton thinks the Afghan wars were justified so girls could receive compulsory govt indoctrination in socialist feminism.

The problem isn't being German, the problem is that socialists are evil and stupid while thinking they are clever and morally superior.
Irish Aristocracy
2016-07-26 15:47:28 UTC
The Nazi empire wasnt that different from what the Americans did to the Red Indians or what many other empires have done in history. Will you say that the French English are evil

Peoples view change I am sure Modern Germans think very differently from the Nazis of the past.
2016-07-24 12:41:02 UTC
You are an illiterate and ignorant person.

1. The First World War was not the fault of the German State - it actually kicked of in the Balkans with Russia and Austro-Hungary.

2. The German nation admitted the fault for World War 2 in 1945 - they took responsibility then and still accept it.

3. Germany is a perfectly normal western nation with damn fine beer. I suggest you go there and learn.
2016-07-24 12:15:44 UTC
At its largest the Nazis had about 8 million members out of a population of about 64 million. And of those party members a fair percentage were Märzgefallenen ("March victims") who did not believe in all or even some of the Nazi ideas but joined the party for opportunistic reasons, most of them civil servants and white-collar workers. As far a soldiers the SS was a Nazi organization with about 800 000 employees most of which were Nazis. The Wehrmacht was the unified armed forces of Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1946. It had a maximum of about 10 million few of which were Nazis.
2016-07-28 15:57:28 UTC
Perhaps you dont know that only the Nazis wore the Swaztika on their uniform. The German troops were not Nazis at all, neither were any of Hitlers generals. I have been to germany many times and the German people are no different to you or me. A little arrogant at times, but easy to get along with.
2016-07-25 11:14:50 UTC
Germans as a whole are not, nor were ever cruel. Less than 10% of the German population belonged to the Nazi Party.
2016-07-24 11:30:09 UTC
Germany in the 21st century is still a good example that racism isn't just in the US. Most people have changed but pockets of evil still exists. North Korea and ISIS are more likely to start a third world war.
Sunday Crone
2016-07-24 17:17:28 UTC
You are making a generalization and lumping all German people into the same group. It has been my experience that most Germans were not responsible for the government of Hitler. However, the banning of anything connected to the Nazi Era, including educatoin about it. is avoiding the truth of the history. If people do not learn from the mistakes of history that history is bound to be repeated.
gordon g
2016-07-26 13:51:52 UTC
You only have to travel or work in Germany to know they are wonderful people. The age of Hitler was also the age of Stalin, Mussolini, several dictators. Fascist ideas were rife in Britain too. How Hitler came to power is an illustration of what happens when a nation is held down the way Germany was after the first world war, and when a leader can convince enough people to vote for him who don't know (or don't think about) what he actually stands for. It is a salutory lesson very relevant now, to think about who you are voting for--don't just listen to the promises--and don't let the gutter press decide for you..
2016-07-26 20:07:12 UTC
Are you a racist Zionist Jew who wants to enslave the German master race? Or have you learned nothing about the holocaust? There were some atrocities that the nazis committed against them but America, Russia, France, Britain England, Poland , China, Japan, Italy, and Denmark all started World War I! They are the aggressors who attacked the peaceful Kaiser and replaced him with a man twice as evil. I suggest that you wisen up and read Mein Kampf. America is nothing compared to the might of the Grm government, as they (Germany) are the strongest.
Lone Cat
2016-07-24 11:44:27 UTC
Consider, I could say the same thing about the US. Slavery wasn't that long ago. And the US government destroyed the killed all the American Indians.

There is research about how cultures deal with this. Mostly it's denial. They just don't think about it.

I recently watched a documentary on Netflix. called "What Our Fathers Did: A Nazis Legacy". It was about children of Nazis and how they felt about their fathers. They interviewed to people, one who absolutely hated his father, the other person said that his father was basically forced to do what he did.

A lot of people where forced into it. The German Nazi party wasn't the kind of political party that we know. It was closer to a criminal organization, like a gang or the mafia. They killed anyone who didn't go along with them. Many people had to go along or die.
2016-07-25 02:28:03 UTC
That is not true... lets not generalize all Germans to be bad... besides they're one of the race who accepted nomadic people from Syria despite the threats of terrorism.. The may have a bad reputation before but things have changed now...
2016-07-25 13:04:22 UTC
Most of the soldiers were drafted, and many did not want to serve n that army, including my mother's father, who was sent to the Russian front and killed. Most were not Nazis. And most were not cruel; they were just ordinary people trying to get by. Is America cruel because so many support Trump?
2016-07-26 09:33:29 UTC
No They Arent , over 30% of Germans are of immigrant background and over 70% of Germans in main cities are of immigrant background
2016-07-26 18:02:44 UTC
Germans are not inherently evil or cruel.
Luke Tony
2016-07-26 15:53:58 UTC
Only 7% of Germans were Nazis, it was just Hitler's military that forced them to say otherwise. If you do the Nazi salute in Germany, you will actually be arrested.
2016-07-25 06:18:44 UTC
Germans? The citizens of Germany? Do you know any? I do.. they are regular people like we are. We hung on out my old job working on ships all the time. Citizens have just about nothing to do with political decisions made generations ago.
2016-08-02 16:56:00 UTC
Right now Germany is a bastion of liberalism. Germans are among the most enlightened people in the world.
2016-07-25 10:51:37 UTC
Hitler was actually slightly Jewish. And you should try not to judge people based on their past. While some Germans did follow Hitler and support him, many didn't. And if they didn't they probably would've been tortured or killed, but I'm not sure.
2016-07-27 02:15:18 UTC
You, my friend, are uneducated, Hitler wasn't actually German... It think he was from Albany or something. But no, I'm 75% German and you know... I'm not evil and cruel. ^-^
2016-07-24 23:35:58 UTC
The 6 million figure has been rejected even by the Jewish investigator David Cole (see his youtube Auschwitz videos) there must be 6,000,000 reasons for not believing WW2 'history'
2016-07-25 06:30:28 UTC
They're not evil or cruel but they are deffinetly stupid look at the amount of refugees and imigrants they are letting into there already crowded nation
2016-07-29 01:20:42 UTC
They are still cruel & only changed with 10%. Its the tradition from old ancient days.
2016-07-25 01:29:51 UTC
Why should they take responsibility for something they didn't do? It's like a black person telling white people to take responsibility for them being slaves in the past. I didn't want or cause that so why should I take responsibility.
2016-07-27 20:07:17 UTC
2016-07-25 02:35:10 UTC
Germans are more civilized than us Americans .
2016-07-25 19:36:59 UTC
Germans as a whole were never cruel. It was hitler and the Nazis.
2016-07-24 14:20:20 UTC
They've changed, they've gone to the extent of banning anything related to Nazi Germany and fascism. Although you still have political parties who closely resemble the Nazis though.
2016-07-26 03:16:14 UTC
I don't think half the Nazis really agreed with what they where doing. However they had family's, would they risk all that for speaking up and just getting shot?
poornakumar b
2016-07-27 12:33:59 UTC
That can happen to any country, not Germany alone. Hitler came to power on the throes of ToV & systematic pauperisation of Germany.

It can happen in UK or USA if they have the same conditions of ToV that can throw up a local Hitler,
2016-07-26 09:50:50 UTC
i am Jewish.Most Germans are not evil,cruel racist or antisemitic.Only the Nazis and their supporters are responsible for the crimes of the Holocaust
2016-07-26 11:09:51 UTC
Most Americans in the US are of German descent, including Trump.
Tim D
2016-07-24 15:05:51 UTC
>"Why can't Germans take responsibility for their actions"

>"I believe the German president already said it was Germanys fault for starting two world wars, and took responsibility for the holocaust which killed 6 million people"

Did you read what you wrote?
Maeve Dragon
2016-07-27 02:18:44 UTC
Germans are not bad and cruel, but very liberal.
Emma Jane
2016-07-26 00:28:58 UTC
Actually things here are WAY different now, pretty much any praise for the Nazis will land you in prison for a looooong time...
2016-07-26 15:33:26 UTC
I'm sure that some neo-NAZIs still exists. But I hope they already learned their lesson about fascism.
2016-07-25 05:25:06 UTC
You are one of those people who think every german was a Nazi, right?
2016-07-27 17:13:18 UTC
I am German and if you ask ze question again, I will put you in the hot hot closet.
2016-07-27 05:31:22 UTC
In my experience many of them are gullible and lack humour,

and will follow like sheep.

Hitler for instance.
2016-07-25 05:11:14 UTC
You, the questioner, are not the US Secretary of State for Foreign Affair by any chance are you? It really would not surprise me.
2016-07-26 16:43:06 UTC
I think they have suffered and gave up their views
2016-07-24 13:24:34 UTC
It is like an onion, you have to peel layers to see how they think
2016-07-24 20:32:22 UTC
Ironically, Hitler was actually Austrian.
2016-07-24 13:24:18 UTC
They habe changed.
2016-07-25 19:14:43 UTC
2016-07-31 02:37:20 UTC


" Youtube "
2016-07-25 06:47:34 UTC
2016-07-27 01:55:46 UTC
Probably not. They are the white Japanese after all.
Shadows Son
2016-07-26 08:56:56 UTC
Of course, just like all other whites.
2016-07-26 02:49:30 UTC
2016-07-27 07:41:12 UTC
No who ever thinks that is an idiot.
2016-07-25 07:50:29 UTC
2016-07-24 15:53:28 UTC
Is it genetic
2016-07-26 10:55:27 UTC
No they are y
2016-07-24 12:22:54 UTC
2016-07-25 22:53:25 UTC
2016-07-24 11:27:34 UTC
no they are still racist assholes
2016-07-24 11:56:23 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.