Less than 10% were Party Members, just like not many Chinese and
Russians were Party members. Party Membership is an exclusive club with as many strict requirements as benefits.
But 90% were silent. It was only Deidricht Bonhoeffer and his underground church which resisted.
I think that right now the Germans are a wounded and hurt people. They are as scarred as many others are over the War, over the Wars. They are as hurt, or more.
Some diehard Neo-Nazis and skinheads exist, but yes most Germans are homogeonous with Europe's European culture as a whole. In fact most Germans strongly abhor and regret and feel a stuffed-up weird burdened guilt over the whole thing. They try to quash Nazi-like isdeas and behavior wherever they find them.
Of course Germans have a particular culture and personality/mentality inherent to them. Efficient and hardworking and wound-up-tight and all that. They, like Japanese, British, French, Russian, Italian, Chinese, and any nationality Ethnicity have a particular bent and personality and culture. I am not so sure that who my grandfather was does not somewhat genetically transfer to my personal disposition, you know.
Germany has a lot of darkness, a lot of pain. A lot of stuff comes up to the surface, often after having been shoved deep deep down inside and buried first. Germany is special in its own special way. And they are a hurt, abused, and troubled people, like many others.
Germans can be the kind of people who have the lightweight and trivial thinks very much taken care of yet the deepest and most heart-ful-heart centered grippingly painful and serious internal issues unresolved and spiraling. Some people are deep, and some are shallow. Germany can be such that it has the deep, profound, internal very serious issues in need of transformation. Jesus has it.
They were on the losing side of two world wars, the first one wrongfully, the second one rightfully. And You know what, it isn't the great great great grandkid's fault but the have suffered for it anyway and it is really tough and rough and we need to love them and respect them.
They need Jesus. Everyone needs Jesus, but they need Jesus. And only Jesus can heal them from the inside out. They need it, everyone needs it.
I have also noticed that anyone obsessed with Germany and germans and speaking german has a negativity and messed-up-ness about them and it is just what I have seen. It isn't okay and I am not saying that oh woe is everyone let it all slide because they were hurt. No, I have never met a deeply German person, family, or wannabe German who wasn't seriously in the wrong and frankly a very nasty person underneath the good-looking facade.
It is a complex issue, take it as it is. Jesus is the answer.
Europe be blessed in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.