Ford, and we never lived under a President. Ford was in office managing government agencies, and left the people alone to go about their own affairs. People did not live under government in the past.
"Go fix the rabbit ears on the t.v.".
"But, it's not my turn".
"Stay there and put it on channel 5".
"I'm hungry, and the snow won't stop on the t.v."!
"Stay there and work at it until it stops".
"Who's that on t.v."?
"That's the President".
"What does the President do"?
"The President makes sure government officials do not find their way into your private life and steal everything you own, or that you don't make your own decisions".
"Why would they want to do that"?
"So your responsible for their crimes, and not your own choices".
"Is that what government is"?
"Only in America"