Is slavery still practiced in some places?
2011-11-12 22:06:42 UTC
And is there a way to stop it?
Nine answers:
Mississippi Tide Fan
2011-11-13 02:37:10 UTC
Slavery is still practiced throughout the world... and, no, there really isn't a way to stop it. You can pass laws to make slavery illegal, but those wealthy enough to have slaves openly are often more powerful or influential than the legal authorities or live in areas where there are no laws against slavery.

Depending on your definition of slavery, you could say that the entire nation of North Korea is enslaved to the government. Traditional slavery still exists in many parts of Africa, where "excess" children from poor families are sold/given to local priests or chiefs in exchange for blessings, favors, money, other goods, even forgiveness of debts or curses. There is a trickle of the ancient Arabic slave route taking Africans north to Muslim nations. And, slavery was a particular concern in Sudan, where a large number of Christian South Sudanese were taken north to serve as slaves in Muslim households. However, a recent peace treaty has given independence to South Sudan. In Asia, immigrants from poor households are often enticed to another nation with a promise of a good-paying job only to find themselves enslaved in a sweatshop factory. The governments in all these cases often overlook the enslaved and support the slavers.

In Europe and the United States, the major form of slavery is sex slavery, although there are sweatshops that exist in both Europe and the United States.

Will speak to the United States... Many young women find themselves in sexual slavery in the United States. For instance, most massage parlors that advertise "Oriental massage" are, in fact, brothels. And the vast majority of the women serving the men in these brothels are de facto slaves.

This is what happens...

A young woman in a rural area of Korea, say, is approached by recruiters and told how beautiful she is. They build her up and promise her that she can be a model in the United States. She is then smuggled into the United States. If she has identification -- particularly a passport -- the smugglers take it away from her. Once in the United States, she is frequently beaten and raped and hooked on drugs. She is also told that she owes the smugglers tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege of coming the United States and is told that she will have to prostitute herself to earn that money back.

She has no identification. She does not know anyone. By now, she may be, and probably is, drug addicted, since drugs are inexpensive to the slavers and give them another layer of control. She does not speak English. She is engaged in something (prostitution) that she knows is illegal and is told that not only will she be arrested if she goes to the authorities, but they will not believe her -- and often that is exactly what will happen. She is told that if she goes to the authorities that nothing will happen to the slavers, but that she will be deported back to her native country where the gang that recruited her will severely punish her and her family. And, if she does go to the authorities, there is a very good chance that the US will deport here to her home where the gang will be waiting for her. She often comes from a very conservative family where prostitution -- even forced prostitution -- would being considerable shame to the family. So she often does not want to go home and explain what happened to her to disapproving family and friends. And other than the ability to lay naked on her back with a man on top of her, and a few skills relating to that, she has no skills. She can't type. She can't use a computer. She isn't a nurse. She lives either in the brothel, or in a crowded apartment where she is taken to the brothel when it opens in the morning and from the brothel after it closes and is cleaned at night. Where is she going to go or do if she gets out of brothel?

And, so, despite being a slave and essentially being raped by every man she sees, for she can't say no to sex, she smiles when her next client enters her room and she does her best to service him. And if he did not go to the brothel, she would not be a sex slave since there would be no profit for the slavers.

These "massage parlors" are found nationwide in the United States. Police rarely check them and rarely run stings to prove prostitution. And, if they do bust the place, the slavers are often cited and released and the girls are handed over to immigration authorities for deportation. The slavers go a few hundred miles down the road, get some new girls and reopen. The girls are deported and, since the witnesses are no longer in country, the serious charges against the slavers are dropped.

Because these "massage" parlors operate openly, there are even websites that rate the parlors on the Internet, they can be easily shut down. The U.S. can offer the girls immunity and a Visa in exchange for their testimony and we can imprison the slavers for long terms on kidnapping and slavery charges. But, we don't...
2011-11-12 22:11:12 UTC
It is illegal in the whole world. This is not your question, but it is necessary to point out because it renders the definition of "slavery" more vague. With no official slavery, nor a register of slaves, it is a matter of "working conditions" and "freedom of move".

But yes... in some Arab countries around the Gulf, foreign home workers are held in conditions similar to slavery. The abuse of women for prostitution all over the world is very similar. And very specially around the Gulf of Guinea, children are sold to work in the fields. Black Africa has also a bad register on child soldiers (South America also has still some),but at least in that field major improvements have occurred recently. There may still be some child soldiers, but not many and not in many countries as 20 years ago.
Muinghan Life During Wartime
2011-11-12 22:26:00 UTC
The number of slaves today is higher than at any point in history, remaining as high as 12 million to 27 million.

Most are debt slaves, largely in South Asia, who are under debt bondage incurred by lenders, sometimes even for generations.

Human trafficking is primarily used for forcing women and children into sex industries.

Wikipedia actually has many wonderful articles on slavery;

See here for organizations fighting daily against slavery;
2011-11-12 22:22:35 UTC
All over the world slavery is practiced. Some of the slaves are gotten by kidnapping and others are gotten by parents selling their children.
2016-12-10 09:14:31 UTC
Where Is Slavery
2011-11-12 22:27:38 UTC
yes it is. it is practiced right here in the usa even today. people are coaxed into leaving their countries to go get a better life in america. then are held against their will and worked without pay to pay off their debts to their sponsors or smugglers. some in restaurants some on sugarcane plantations in Florida and louisiana in other agricultural work. they are herded into sheds at night and the doors are padlocked to prevent escape. and many many young women, boys and girls are trafficked in the sex trade. some can be found in sweat shops in the garment districts in new york and California. they have raided some sweat shops in new york just a decade ago and found women chained to gather in dark damp basements with their children. there was little said on the regular news about it. if you have enough money and the right connections you can buy Media silence and get away with anything.

many children from africa and south america are sold at auctions as house/sex slaves right here on the internet. they are kept in line by threats of death or harm to their families back in the lands they were kidnapped from. some religious organizations with missionaries in those land are up to their eyeball in the international sex trade which operates around the Globe.

how to stop it? God only knows. during the canadian first nations residential boarding school area the schools were run by the three churches Catholic Anglican and united church of canada. native children were rented out to pedophile clubs and delivered to meeting places by the RCMP . so this may give you some idea haw embedded this crime against humanity is and how difficult is is to stop.there are too many low life's in high places that make money from it .and indulge themselves in it.

see hidden from history Canadian Holocaust by Kennett Annette he names people involved and dates and places in his expose
Dave B
2011-11-12 22:10:56 UTC
Yes, all over the place, there is slavery. It is in fact a huge issue, and is usually referred to as human trafficking. In particular, the sex trade is fueled by this, and domestic servants are brought in from overseas illegally just in the US. In other countries, it is much more pronounced.
2011-11-12 22:10:20 UTC
In the middle east, bacha bazi: the sexual slavery of young boys

and forced prostitution of children in places like thailand.

no, this has been going on for hundreds of years theres nothing you can do.
2011-11-13 00:35:50 UTC
Pakistan hold slave markets every day consisting of babies to old women

Most of the big slave markets sell young women and Girls

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.