what are the old slavonic names for months?
2006-02-13 09:52:20 UTC
before the Latin ones
Two answers:
2006-02-13 10:01:23 UTC
January -- Sechen'

February -- L'utyi

March -- Berezozol'

April -- Cveten'

May -- Traven'

June -- Cherven'

July -- Lipec'

August -- Serpen'

September -- Veresen'

October -- Listopad

November -- Gruden'

December -- Studen'

If you read russian, you can find more info on the site below:
2006-02-13 10:19:53 UTC
He got it right i dont have to answer that question anymore.

slavonic(noun)A branch of the Indo European family of language.Or this what u meant.

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