How was Adolf Hilter able to mobilise such an effective army when Germany couldn't take care of its poor at the time?
2018-10-27 11:55:56 UTC
How does that make sense?

I'm guessing Hitler borrowed a lot of money from the bank? (that sounds like a joke)

A lot of resources and labour were used to build tanks, planes, etc. Couldn't they have just... built homes?
31 answers:
2018-10-30 15:43:59 UTC
Why would you think that Hitler cared about the poor.
2018-10-30 07:08:35 UTC
Because while the world was suffering through the great depression, he dropped the central banking schemes and adopted his own, unique system of currency that was based on number of hours worked in exchange for goods and services. This action that Hitler took was one of courage, bravery, and patriotic in the truest sense. This is the real reason that Hitler was hated by the bankers; and because he had made enemies with the world's richest men his legacy was propagandized to make him and everything he did while he was in power look like it was being done by a mad man. Unfortunately, every child and then teenager in America is subjected to lies about Hitler and the so called holocaust beginning from middle school onward. This brainwashing method by repetitive use of emotionally charged terms takes a toll on the developing cognitive abilities of a teenager.
2018-10-29 20:03:07 UTC
Exactly! He did use the money to mobilize, instead of helping the poor
2018-10-29 02:12:42 UTC
He did help the poor with job creation schemes like building the Autobahns. He got people to join the armed forces giving them employment????
2018-10-28 09:29:37 UTC
Actually he was able to take care of the poor. Everybody had to work there, even thise usually unwilling.
2018-10-28 04:30:07 UTC
Americans Supported and Inspired the Nazis

Submitted by George Washington on 03/29/2015 02:09 -0400

Large American banks - and George W. Bush's grandfather - financed the Nazis.

American manufacturing companies were big supporters of the Nazis.   here are 6 historical examples ...


"The fact that Hollerith equipment manufactured by (IBM's German unit) " IBM representative Carol Makovich wrote in an e-mail interview. "This information was published in 1997 in the IEEE Annals of the History of Computing and in 1998 in Washington Jewish Week."

IBM also defended Chairman Thomas Watson for his dealings with Hitler and his regime.

On September 13, 1939, The New York Times reports on Page 1 that 3 million Jews are going to be "immediately removed" from Poland, and they appear to be candidates for "physical extermination." On September 9, the German managers of IBM Berlin send a letter to Thomas Watson with copy to staff in Geneva via phone that, due to the "situation," they need high-speed alphabetizing equipment. IBM wanted no paper trail, so an oral agreement was made, passed from New York to Geneva to Berlin, and those alphabetizers were approved by Watson, personally, before the end of the month.

When Hitler came to power in 1933, his desire to destroy European Jewry was so ambitious an enterprise, it required the resources of a computer. But in 1933 no computer existed. What did exist was the Hollerith punch-card system. It was invented by a German-American in Buffalo, New York, for the Census Bureau. This punch-card system could store all the information about individuals, places, products, inventories, schedules, in the holes that were punched or not punched in columns and rows.

So all communications went from Switzerland to New York. Ultimately there was a Hollerith Department called Hollerith Abteilung--German for department--in almost every concentration camp. Remember, the original Auschwitz tattoo was an IBM number.

IBM put the blitz in blitzkrieg. The whole war effort was organized on Hollerith machines from 1933 to 1945. This is when information technology comes to warfare. At the same time, IBM was supporting the entire German war machine directly from New York until the fall of 1941 ....

That included everything form counting Jews to confiscating bank accounts, to coordinating trains going into death camps, to the extermination by labor campaign.

That's why even the paper forms in the prisoner camps had Hollerith notations and numbered fields checked. They were all punched in. For example, IBM had to agree with their Nazi counterparts that Code 6 in the concentration camps was extermination. Code 1 was released, Code 2 was transferred, Code 3 was natural death, Code 4 was formal execution, Code 5 was suicide. Code 7 was escape. Code 6 was extermination.

All of the money and all the machines from all these operations was claimed by IBM as legitimate business after the war. The company used its connections with the State Department and the Pentagon to recover all the machines and all the bank accounts. They never said, "We do not want this blood money." They wanted it all.

(2) Standard Oil.   The Nazi air force - the Luftwaffe - needed tetraethyl lead gas in order to get their planes off the ground. Standard Oil sold tetraethyl to the Nazis.

After WWII began, the English became angry about U.S. shipments of strategic materials to Nazi Germany. So Standard changed the registration of their entire fleet to Panamanian to avoid British search or seizure. These ships continued to carry oil to the Nazis.

(3) Ford.  Ford made cars for the Nazis. 

Ford continued to do business with Nazi Germany, including the manufacture of war materiel.  Beginning in 1940, with the requisitioning of between 100 and 200 French POWs to work as slave laborers, Ford-Werke contravened Article 31 of the 1929 Geneva Convention.  At that time, which was before the U.S. entered the War and still had full diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany, Ford-Werke was under the control of the Ford Motor Company. The number of slave laborers grew as the war expanded ....

(And see discussion under GM, below.)

Grand Cross of the German Eagle, an award bestowed on Ford by Nazi Germany

James D. Mooney, vice-president of overseas operations for General Motors, received a similar medal, the Merit Cross of the German Eagle, First Class.

(4) GM. The Washington Post reports:

"General Motors was far more important to the Nazi war machine than Switzerland," said Bradford Snell, who has spent two decades researching a history of the world's largest automaker. "

Both General Motors and Ford insist that they bear little or no responsibility for the operations of their German subsidiaries, which controlled 70 percent of the German car market at the outbreak of war in 1939 and rapidly retooled themselves to become suppliers of war materiel to the German army.

When American GIs invaded Europe in June 1944, they did so in jeeps, trucks and tanks manufactured by the Big Three motor companies in one of the largest crash militarization programs ever undertaken. It came as an unpleasant surprise to discover that the enemy was also driving trucks manufactured by Ford and Opel -- a 100 percent GM-owned subsidiary -- and flying Opel-built warplanes ....

The relationship of Ford and GM to the Nazi regime goes back to the 1920s and 1930s, when the American car companies competed against each other for access to the lucrative German market.

In 1935, GM agreed to build a new plant near Berlin to produce the aptly named "Blitz" truck, which would later be used by the German army for its blitzkreig attacks on Poland, France and the Soviet Union. German Ford was the second-largest producer of trucks for the German army after GM/Opel, according to U.S. Army reports.

The importance of the American automakers went beyond making trucks for the German army. The Schneider report, now available to researchers at the National Archives, states that American Ford agreed to a complicated barter deal that gave the Reich increased access to large quantities of strategic raw materials, notably rubber. Author Snell says that Nazi armaments chief Albert Speer told him in 1977 that Hitler "would never have considered invading Poland" without synthetic fuel technology provided by General Motors.

As war approached, it became increasingly difficult for U.S. corporations like GM and Ford to operate in Germany without cooperating closely with the Nazi rearmament effort. Under intense pressure from Berlin, both companies took pains to make their subsidiaries appear as "German" as possible. In April 1939, for example, German Ford made a personal present to Hitler of 35,000 Reichsmarks in honor of his 50th birthday, according to a captured Nazi document.

Documents show that the parent companies followed a conscious strategy of continuing to do business with the Nazi regime, rather than divest themselves of their German assets. Less than three weeks after the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia in March 1939, GM Chairman Alfred P. Sloan defended this strategy as sound business practice, given the fact that the company's German operations were "highly profitable."

After the outbreak of war in September 1939, General Motors and Ford became crucial to the German military, according to contemporaneous German documents and postwar investigations by the U.S. Army. James Mooney, the GM director in charge of overseas operations, had discussions with Hitler in Berlin two weeks after the German invasion of Poland.

Typewritten notes by Mooney show that he was involved in the partial conversion of the principal GM automobile plant at Russelsheim to production of engines and other parts for the Junker "Wunderbomber," a key weapon in the German air force, under a government-brokered contract between Opel and the Junker airplane company. Mooney's notes show that he returned to Germany the following February for further discussions with Luftwaffe commander Hermann Goering and a personal inspection of the Russelsheim plant.

Mooney's involvement in the conversion of the Russelsheim plant undermines claims by General Motors that the American branch of the company had nothing to do with the Nazi rearmament effort.

Ford has backed away from its initial claim that it did not profit in any way from forced labor at its Cologne plant.

Mel Weiss, an American attorney for Iwanowa, argues that American Ford received "indirect" profits from forced labor at its Cologne plant because of the overall increase in the value of German operations during the war. He notes that Ford was eager to demand compensation from the U.S. government after the war for "losses" due to bomb damage to its German plants and therefore should also be responsible for any benefits derived from forced labor.

(5)  Kodak. During World War Two, Kodak's German branch also used slave laborers from concentration camps. Several of their other European branches did heavy business with the Nazi government.

And Wilhelm Keppler - one of Hitler's top economic advisers - had deep ties in Kodak. When Nazism began, Keppler advised Kodak and several other U.S. companies that they'd benefit by firing all of their Jewish employees.

(6) Coca Cola. sold to Nazis. 

Leading American financiers Rockefeller, Carnegie and Harriman also funded Nazi eugenics programs.

And the U.S. government actively backed the Nazis in Ukraine 70 years ago.

Inspired By America

After WWII, America imported and protected many high-level Nazi scientists and spies, and put them into prominent positions within the U.S.
2018-10-28 04:02:57 UTC
Actually the German poverty rate and unemployment was very low in Nazi Germany. Under Hitler Germans were very prosperous athough at the expense of the Jews. Germans were very grateful and loyal to Hitler because he pulled the country out of a Depression that followed WW2. And he restored their sense of national pride and strength. But most Germans were unaware of what was really going on and many didnt care because they were racist against Jews before Hitler. Also it was a Dictatorship so they didnt have a choice.
2018-10-27 17:48:34 UTC
Because it made re-armament and not its poor a priority. Even before the Nazis achieved political success in 1933, many Germans, who felt humiliated by losing WW1 and demands for reparations made at the Treaty of Versailles, supported a rearmament program, and quietly, institutions like the police were becoming quasi-military. Conscription was introduced in 1935, readying a large number of the population for future conflict and sympathetic manufacturers switched to the manufacture of military equipment.
Philip V
2018-10-27 15:55:00 UTC
Hitler was smart although he arguably was a mad man. He fought in WWI and after Germany lost the war, a lot of soldiers got angry because they couldn't stand the thought of losing the war so they blamed their politicians and hated them even more because a lot of them were Jewish. Hitler had a voice and he was able to persuade others to rise up and become strong again. When he got in power he decided that Germany will no longer honor the Treaty of Versailles so that helped Germany prosper somewhat.
2018-10-27 13:37:29 UTC
It was not on the Nazi agenda to build homes but to invade other countries for their land. Hitler said that Germany needed living-space.

The Nazis may have "borrowed money from the bank". Not all Germans were poor. They were backed by rich industrialists like I.G. Farben and Krupp, who would profit by militarism and wars. International investors like Henry Ford also put money and built factories in Germany. Ford's no. 2 man had Nazi leanings and may have been planted by the Nazis as an agent. The Germans had a high work ethic and a good record for efficiency and inventiveness over the last century. Investing in Germany to get the world economy out of the Depression made sense.

Except for the militarism and the Nazi nationalization of unions, professions and even social clubs, there was little difference between the Nazi program and the New Deal. Both relied on banks / gov't and big business / union cooperation, government make work programs and feel-good propaganda.
2018-10-30 15:43:26 UTC
Because Hitler was a socialist and that is typical under socialist regimes.
ladybug l
2018-10-29 14:54:06 UTC
Please find out the truth of ww2 and of Hitler, everything you were taught about that time in history is complete lies. Hitler never did order the gassing of any jews or anyone. No real gas chambers were ever found, and no mass graves were ever found, hundreds of photos were taken by UK and America of the work camps and not one photo had any smoke stacks coming from them … proves that the gassing and burning of bodies never happened.
2018-10-29 13:58:59 UTC
Peter Gore Seer,

Poor Education, The Jews Created A World, Recession, Poverty Makes The Peoples Slaves, And The US Created Millions Of Cheap Slave Labour, Germany Use Force Slave Labour, As Did Most Of The Countries, Britain Had Slave Labour, Slums Were Created For The Slaves. The German Leaders Were Groom In The US, With The Likes Of Winston Churchill, And Jap Industrialists, Then There Was The Human Rights Convection Created By The SKULL 322, Ready For War In 1935 Ish.
2018-10-29 08:44:47 UTC
Well! You are correct! Hitler could have built homes, took care of the poor, developed agricultural, and technical business economics.

But building tanks and war planes just made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. Hitler being the warm and compassionate fellow he was, what could he do if a few undesirable minorities lived in forced poor farms to finance all the war material?

What could he do? What might he do to the World?
2018-10-29 00:45:53 UTC
no, all of the poor were drafted into the nazi army, and psychologically molded to believe in authoritarian- nationalism; the country could do no wrong and hence, neither could they. true believers;--

you have a home in the military.

an interesting idea which continues today is that both the war-mentality and the war-economy, which benefits the most wealthy property owners of each country involved, is the real wealth which the poor, still needing homes, will never see.
2018-10-28 22:38:59 UTC
You moron the Nazis stole from everybody that’s how the fun and their military just like the Fundies Christain stole from poor these days
2018-10-28 20:18:21 UTC
Just like President Trump did.

He knew who the fools were

from the get-go. He previously

was quoted by media saying

they'd believe him. All he had

to do was open their door to

the expectations long denied

by most civilized nations. Most

of whom had adopted the same

practices. My President showed

how you can blame anyone or

anything other than taking any

personal responsibility. Taxing

everybody except his perception

of social class. His ilk yearn to

oppress, be rewarded like a pet,

and revisit Adolf Hitler. Was I too

kind labeling supporters as fools?
2018-10-28 13:07:51 UTC
Your humanitarian arguments about building homes etc for people are ignored in many countries today, and have been ignored in many parts of the world at many times in history.

Riches for rich people and military arms seem to win out over the needs of poor people.
2018-10-28 08:42:23 UTC
Germany could and did take care of the poor at the time. He built thousands of homes for the poor and established programs that made them affordable. His investment in the military created a huge amount of jobs.
2018-10-28 01:51:44 UTC
Adolf Hitler was a megalomaniac who craved power and felt he was a god able to decide who should be allowed to live or die. He was a dictator who manipulated the German problems such as crippling reparation payments for WW1 to France and Britain, the poverty of the great depression, and the anger of many who felt Germany should have kept fighting WW1 instead of surrendering into him overthrowing the democratic government and installing himself as supreme life long leader. The democratic government could do little with such problems so Hitler said he would stop paying the reparation payments and promised many other things to get the common German people to follow him. He stirred up hatred of the Jews who he said were skimming the money the poor should be getting and used brown shirt thugs to beat up or kill anyone who spoke up against him. Once he became the leader of Germany he manipulated the system to make himself a dictator who no one could legally get rid of. When he had total power he stared to rebuild the German military in secret stealing the money and wealth of the Jews he had removed from society as well as overseas loans much of which came from countries he was to later invade and conquer and he had no intention of paying back. Hitler got Ferdinand Porsche to design a cheap people's car the Volks Wagon (peoples car) and presold them in huge numbers supposedly to get the project off the ground but used the money instead to build military armaments and the investors never saw their cars. The average German did see a bit better standard of living, but the main gain was German pride as Germany surprised the world with incredible projects like the Zeppelin airships, excellent motorways, and other technological achievements

In answer to your question the Nazis pushed all teenagers into the Hitler youth which basically was a beginners training ground for army training, sort of boy scouts meets the army. Boys would learn to shoot weapons, camp out and were given activities to promote self confidence and a strong physique. They had gliding and sailing clubs for teenagers and young men and was basically training their young men for war. Much of the borrowed money went into building up their armed forces so when the time was right they could quickly have a world class military before the French and British could stop them. You are right if the borrowed money had been used for the betterment of German citizens Germany could have been a better country but Adolf Hitler believed he was virtually a god and by conquering the world he could make Germany a super nation every other nation looked up to and obeyed.

2018-10-27 21:57:10 UTC
2018-10-27 19:05:27 UTC
No, he "created" the money with Mefo Bills, or rather Schacht did, Hitler was no economist. Essentially these were notes that promised to pay the owners their money and a lump sum. Without a successful war, and before the notes were due, Hitler and the Third Reich would be bankrupt.
2018-10-27 16:03:09 UTC
Johannes Friedrich Leopold "Hans" von Seeckt (22 April 1866 – 27 December 1936) was a German military officer who served as Chief of Staff to August von Mackensen, and was a central figure in planning the victories Mackensen achieved for Germany in the east during the First World War. During the years of the Weimar Republic he was chief of staff for the Reichswehr from 1919 to 1920 and commander in chief of the German Army from 1920 until he resigned in October 1926. During this period he engaged in the reorganization of the army and laid the foundation for the doctrine, tactics, organization, and training of the German army. By the time Seeckt left the German Army in 1926 the Reichswehr had a clear, standardized operational doctrine, as well as a precise theory on the future methods of combat which greatly influenced the military campaigns fought by the Wehrmacht during the first half of the Second World War.
2018-10-27 15:27:21 UTC
Hitler made Germany "great again".
2018-10-27 14:03:44 UTC
It's government directing the resources of the country. Hitler wanted the biggest and strongest military in Europe. Besides by 1938 unemployment was near zero, everyone had a job, poverty literally didn't exist. Hitler simply brought in the heads of the major industries in the country as well as the heads of the military and told them to build him the biggest military possible and I will find you the resources. By 1938 they were scavenging metal from junkyards, families were sacrificing steel pots and pans to avoid having the buy the iron from Sweden.The Central Bank was literally running out of Gold and foreign currencies, and no one wanted the German Mark. As for borrowing the central bank issued commercial paper that was literally off the books, any international banker came around to check the books they never saw what was building the countries industry.
2018-10-27 12:52:32 UTC
many capitalists like what Hitler was doing the Daily mail newspaper of England supported him Henry ford invested there were many westerners that liked him he was rebuilding Germany and it was functioning well he created the first motor ways they were bust and he saved them and the great movement was forward looking to capitalists they were wrong again
2018-10-27 12:33:29 UTC
Hitler used credit cards.
2018-10-27 12:31:23 UTC
Hitler never started increasing the size of the German military until the mid-late 30s, and not until he saw Britain and the US increasing the size of their militaries - illegal acts, I might add.

By this time, Hitler had pretty well restored Germany's economy. It only took just under 6 years to bring Germany back.
2018-10-27 12:15:27 UTC
Anything that deals with Israelites will have God's hand in it for at the time the Israelites had a nation within Europe and a need to answer the Prophecy of the fig leaf and at no other time in History could the Nation of Israel become into exitance..….The Israelites nation was destroyed and so was North Africa and into the world we have a new nation. I see God's hand in this for sure.....
2018-10-27 11:57:56 UTC
2018-10-28 14:53:45 UTC
sucks dude

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.